Chapter 7

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The next day, Calum didn't want to go to school.

He was more depressed than ever. Last night, 5 girls had been with the boys.

The big different is that Luke's, Ashton's and Michael's girls, were girls they really liked, while Niall and Calum barely knew. As expected, Calum had sex with one of them, in the bathroom. What was wrong with him?

"Come on, it can be that bad, is it?" He asked himself while taking a shower.

The warm water ran all over his toned body, as he remembered the blonde girl from last night. She had a wonderful body, also she asked him to go on a date, but he denied it and received a slap. He didn't want this life anymore, but he had no idea how to change it.

The ringing of his phone interrupted his thoughts.

He picked it up, the broken and cracked voice of his best friend alarmed him.

"kat?" He asked worried, "what's wrong?"

"I ran away from school, can you pick me up?" She was crying, her voice could tell.

"Of course baby, i'll be right away, wait for me around the corner." He hang up his phone, picked up his keys and practically, ran to school.

There she was, beautiful as always, a dress showed off her pretty legs. Her figure looked perfect.

Calum approached her, touched her shoulder, she turned around and when she saw him, she jumped onto him and began to cry.

Calum's heart shattered when he heard her crying, the breaking sound of her sobbing. Hugging her tightly, he told her everything was going to okay, as she snuggled in his chest, breathing hard.

He took her hand, and they both walked to his house, he didn't want anyone to see her like that. They arrived, Calum gave her a glass of water while she took a sit. Kat sighed heavily crossing her legs and getting comfy. Calum looked discreetly at her legs and tried to keep composure, she turned him on.

"Now you're going to tell me exactly what happened." Calum said staring at her.

Kat nodded, Calum dedicated to look at her features. Her lower lip shivered, that always happened to her whenever she cried o when she was nervous; her crystalline eyes, red product of the strong cry, looking at him full with fear and insecurity. Her cheeks turned into a shade of red.

"Amy..." She mumbled.

As if by magic, Calum understood almost everything. Amy was one of those girl Calum and his group used to hang out with. Captain of the cheerladers, a brunette with a wonderful figure with big green eyes. She had slept with half of the school, or even more. Calum wasn't the exception.

"What did she do to you?" Calum asked

Amy hated Kat with her whole soul, that was the main reason.

"She told me horrible things," tears starting to fall over her face again, that beautiful face Calum loved, "she said i was horrid, and threw on me her drink just beacuse i bumped into her, and then..." It was hard to her to talk and describe what had happened, "she said you were only my friend for shame, beacause i'm a stupid loner that was lonely all day, that boys would never notice me ever in my life... I told her she was wrong, and she was like 'oh you're talking about Ryan? I can tell you he slept with me last night. He only got close to you so could you get away from Calum, beacuse i told him.' And then i looked at Ryan and he looked away and... I felt really bad," said she, " she also called me fat and told me..."

"What did she tell you?" Calum could already feel anger running through his veins while clenching his fists.

"That probably my mum never consider me bacause she wished she never had me." In that moment Calum compreded why she was so shattered and broken.

Her mum didn't have good communication skills and she used to take care of others thing rather than her.
Kat convered her face and continued crying. Calum could feel his chest shattering just by seeing her this way.

"Come here." calum told her pointing his lap. Whenever Kat would cry, she would rest on his lap and snuggle in his chest while he would tell her stuff to cheer her up.

She obeyed. Calum closed his eyes by having her so close. She kept sobbing.

"Listen, do you even believe A single word amy says? she's stupid and a fucking bicth, that has nothing else to do other than disturb people, she's not like you, don't get in her game." Calum said softly "she has fake friends, a crazy life and had sex with every imbecile that comes her way" Kat looked at calum with a moch in her face.

"You do the same thing so you're not the best to talk about her that way..."

"But i don't have fake friends and i don't go around teasing people, right?" She nodded.

"The boys and you don't belong to that group," kat said, "you're not like that, neither you Cal," she got up , looked into calum's eyes cautiously, " you're...diferent Calum, when you're with me you're someone and with them another. You do it to stick with them... Don't do it, don't change your essence..." She pleaded.

For a minute, Kat thought about a future together, where calum wasn't a womanizer , she would be crazy in love with him. But no, that wouldn't happen , no when he had sex with person with big boobs and nice butt.

" Why do you think so?" Calum asked desafiantly. She stared right into his eyes and Calum almost could feel his body not respoding at the stare into those brown eyes.

" I can see it in your eyes," she responded ," i'm sorry Cal , i know you."
That afirmation made Calum's heart beat faster. After a long silence Kat said something that shocked calum.

"Calum, i want us to get drunk."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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