Chapter 2.

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The classes ended after an exhausting day. The chemistry teacher had scolded Kat twice, for not paying attention. This barely happened to her but today she was tired about to fall asleep. Jess looked at her worried, but she was only tired so she didn't mind. Kat was waiting for Calum outside the building while seeing the students going home.

She stared at Ryan, the new boy. she liked him. His blonde hair and green eyes drove her crazy, and that mysterious personality, even more. The guy turned around and found her brown eyes staring at him. He grinned at her. Ryan kept going, while Kat was in the clouds.

"I'm here." Calum said surprising her. "You're in another world, Kat, some guy?" calum joked, but clearly not wanting to hear a 'yes' from his friend's mouth.

"Ryan..." Kat muttered. "He just smiled at me." She said deluded.

"Ryan? that blonde guy? the new one?" Calum asked.

She nodded excitedly.

" I have biology with him, he's quiet." Calum said. "Maybe he hides something."

"Don't exaggerate Hood, you don't know him." Kat said while they were walking home.

"Whatever." Calum said exasperated, he didn't like the subject of boys.
"I have to tell you something interesting."

"What?" Kat asked.

"I made a bet with Luke," he said smiling. "I have to hook up with my math teacher." he said Proudly.

"You what?!" Kat asked opening her eyes in surprise, just like Calum had predicted.

"What you heard, if I don't then Luke will take my Xbox, apart from that, Smith is hot, se has a butt sent from heaven."

"You're a hopeless case Calum." She muttered rolling her eyes. Calum smiled.

"I have to enjoy, and fill my biological needs."

"First, Smith is eleven years older than you," she said coldly. "Second, enjoy? you'll end up with some kind of disease for having sex with too many girls, third, those 'necessities' can wait."

"Just because you've never tried it, doesn't mean that the ones who had done it, don't have the necessity."

"This has nothing to do with me being a virgin, I say it because normal people don't have a different girl every night in their bedrooms."

"Your concept of normal, is my concept of nerd, no offense." Calum said.

She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever Hood, do whatever you want, I warned you." Kat said. "I'm just saying that one day you'll want the same girl forever instead of a different girl every night but you won't be able to."

"And why not?" Calum asked defiantly.

"Cause the girl who'd like to be with you all her life, the one who'd love you and would be loyal, that girl wouldn't be a bitch like the ones you sleep with, that girl would take things seriously, and knowing your past, you can be sure you won't find her." Kat said coldly.

Calum felt a strange sorrow in his chest when she said those words. if she only knew that the girl he wanted to love, was her. In that moment, Calum realized that she'd never go out with him, she knew him so well, or at least she knew that womanizer appearance that he showed. She didn't know what he could do just for her, he'd give up on everything just for her.

"Bullshit." Calum said while looking to other side in a serious manner.

"Fine Calum, let's change the subject." Kay said. "Today my parents are not home and my sister is out, do you want to watch a movie?" she suggested. Calum thought about it, on one hand, he loved to be with her all the time, but on other hand, he felt hurt, vulnerable.

"Maybe tomorrow Kat," He said sighing deeply. " I have to study."

"Fine, then I stay here." she said going inside her house, Calum's house was a few blocks away.

"See you tomorrow, I love you." calum said approching her and giving her a kiss on her forehead, something normal to her, but to Calum meant a lot.

He walked to his house, greeted his mum and then went to his bedroom. He jumped right into his bed, looking at the ceiling for a long time. Was he doing well keeping that appearance of a womanizer? yes, he thought it was right, just in that way, nobody would ever know the truth.

He sat, then looked at his phone. The lock-screen was a picture of both of them, smiling at the camera, in their last vacations. Kat. Always simple, her messy hair, her wonderful smile, her almond eyes, those lips... the ones he had always dreamed of kissing. what would everyone say if they knew he was in love with her? It'd be the story of the year, probably. Calum Hood loves a girl who's not popular, who doesn't like parties, and has never slept with a guy. But he liked her like that, he liked that she was quiet, that instead of getting drunk she would stay at home, watching movies and eating ice cream, or reading a book. She was like that, simple, but for him, she was perfect. She was better than the most beautiful popular girl. she wasn't one of those girl who would dress with really tight clothes. She used to wear a simple t-shirt and jeans, sometimes shorts, and always converse. Even tho he had seen her in her underwear, by accident, a few week ago, she had a nice figure, not too thin or too fat. Everything in her was perfect, he had no idea why she didn't has a boyfriend yet, well, his friends was too exigent with boys, she hated drunkards, party-lovers and all of that kind of boys. Calum didn't know how she could get on with him. Well, Kat loved him, not like Calum would like to, but like a brother. She trusted him, knowing he'd never betray her. it was nice to feel loved by her, but he wished he could be something more than her best friend.

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