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If you want to know the song being used in the Chapter, it's right above. It's called Animal by The Cab. Good song. Good band. 10/10 would recommend.
Now let's get into this.

Normani pulled herself together after what felt like hours of breaking down. She knew that eventually Arin would come to pick her up to take her to yet another party that night, and she really didn't want her boyfriend to question her red and puffy eyes, and snotty nose. So around, 4pm, Normani climbed out of her bed, tossed her blankets and sheets in the washer, and went on about getting ready for the party.

After a nice, hot relaxing bath that helped Normani calm down immensely, Normani then ventured into her room to sit at her vanity to put on some make up, and to fix her hair. She had settled for a more casual look when it came to her make up, and then she curled her hair and let it fall past her shoulders when it came to her hair.

After her make up and her hair was done, Normani wandered into her classic to find her trusty little black dress. Once in her dress, Normani slipped her feet into her strapless black heels. Normani wandered to her mirror to check her attire, fanning out her hair with her hands before slipping out of her room and wandered downstairs to the living room to wait for Arin. It was reaching 7pm, and she knew that Arin was due to arrive soon.

Arin arrived at 7pm on the dot, and drove them straight to a local club. It was owned by the parents of one of boys in Arin and Normani friend group, Austin, and they often let him throw ragers once every month in it. Allowing him full use of the working bar and everything. Rich people, what could Normani say? No one in the friend group ever really questioned it, because it gave them free reign to get plastered at a nightclub without being ID'd.

They arrived when the party already seemed to be in full swing, even from outside, Normani could hear the loud party music, and smell the scent of teen desperation. Normani allowed Arin to lead her into the club, with his hand on the small of her back, and a confident grin on his features. As if he had the greatest prize on his arm.

When Arin started talking with his friends once they were inside, Normani didn't bother to stick around for long, making up an excuse that she was going to search for Dinah, Normani slipped away from Arin's side to go off in search of her best friends.

It hadn't taken her long to find them. At the bar, of course. Zenday and Dinah, were downing shot after shot with poor little Ally standing beside them, looking on in concern.

"What's going on here?" Normani questioned loudly, having to raise her voice to be heard over the loud reggae music that was playing in the background.

"These two idiots made a bet on which one of them could handle their liquor better," Ally rolled her eyes as she leaned against the bar to look at Normani.

Normani glanced over at Dinah and Zendaya, and she quickly noted that so far it appeared to be Zendaya who was winning. Dinah was always a lightweight, never really being able to handle more than a few drinks. In the end, Normani's assumptions was proven correct once Dinah raised her hand to fold on the game, and leaned her body heavily against Ally's little body, "This bitch is *hiccup* a raging alcoholic. That's the *hiccup* only explanation."

Normani snorted in amusement as she rolled her eyes playfully, "You good, DJ?"

"Never better, girl," Dinah's words were slightly slurred, and Normani guessed that she was already bordering on white girl wasted.

"No more drinks for a little while, okay?" Normani said as she rubbed Dinah's back softly before she glanced at Zendaya, "I don't know why you agreed to this stupid bet. You know Dinah's a lightweight."

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