A Dark Proposition!!

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The leader of Repliforce, General, meets with a cloaked Reploid on a stormy night.

???: It's about the Maverick Hunters, General. They are far too eager to please the humans, and continue to hunt down the Reploids. Do you believe they pose a significant threat?

General: Perhaps.

???: You already know the truth, General. Their sole mission has been to destroy any Reploids who fail to do as the humans order!

General: Hmm...

???: It's in your best interest to stop them now, before they turn on you! You possess enough power to destroy them!

General: ... You are dismissed.

???: What?!

General: I will not betray the humans. Remove yourself from my sight. My business with you has concluded...

???: Heh heh heh... very well. But you will change your mind soon, I assure you! Ha ha ha ha... Ha ha ha ha!

Zero is resting in a capsule. A silhouette of Dr. Wily appears, and Zero wakes up.

Dr. Wily: Zero...

Zero: Who are you?

Dr. Wily: My masterpiece...

Zero: But... who are you?

Dr. Wily: After him! He is my nemesis. Our rivalry is what gives me motivation in life. Now go! Destroy him! That's an order.

Zero: Huh... ? Wait!

A sharp ringing sound is heard, and Zero starts to scream in pain. He flashes back to Dr. Wily, Sigma(1), a room full of destroyed Reploids, his own blueprints, and an image of blood covering his hands. He wakes up hearing an alarm.

Hunter HQ: Emergency, Emergency! All Maverick Hunters on call should assemble immediately!

Zero: The same dream... again...

Zero runs out of the room to assemble as the announcement ordered.

We cut to X who stands in the Command Room of the Maverick Hunter Headquarters, receiving a briefing of his next mission.

Hunter HQ: Mavericks have been found at location 5567! The Mavericks occupied the Sky Lagoon using the most advanced weapons available! The army appears to be the Repliforce!

X: Roger that! I'm on my way!

X teleports out to the Sky Lagoon. He fights his way through the Sky Lagoon and fights Eregion, a large dragon-like Mechaniloid. He enters a boss gate and comes across Magma Dragoon, another Maverick Hunter.

X: You're Dragoon from the 14th Unit!

Dragoon: This isn't good, X! That Maverick just destroyed the power reactor!

X: What?! Then the Sky Lagoon will... come crashing to the ground!

Dragoon: It's too late, X! It's time I made my escape! I'd suggest you do the same... Don't do anything reckless on the way out, okay?

Dragoon teleports away, leaving X alone. It wasn't long until he got a message from Zero.

Zero: X, you need to see this...

X: Roger!

Zero leaves the call, leaving X alone in his thoughts.

X: The city below will soon become a sea of flames. Many people will perish... I have no choice but to escape from here and head to the city below!

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