I may be a shit baker but I can sure as hell try.

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Gerard’s POV

Fuck. Fuck everything. Why. Fucking fuck.

I got fired for being a flaming homosexual. I can say fuck you to a lot of people but mainly;

Thanks boss whom I never really learned your name.

Thanks Obama cause he has everything to do with everything.


I heard Elly come into mine and Frank’s room and jump on us to wake us up. I didn’t really do anything. After talking with Frank for a bit I went back to sleep.

Elly had breakfast and I had given her a little star tattoo on her forearm. Frank was sitting in my lap as Elly marveled over her “drawing” that was on her arm. I was about to press my lips to Frank’s cheek before his phone started ringing. I groaned a bit and lightly pushed Frank out of my lap, sitting him down on the chair and walking to where Elly was. I picked her up and she whined, wanting to stay with Frank but I decided to give Frank some privacy on the phone call. I carried Elly to the guest room where she was staying. I talked with Elly for a couple seconds, trying to figure out something for her to do as Frank was on the phone but I soon hear my name being called from the kitchen. I ran to the wooden chair Frank was sat upon and smiled at him, kissing his cheek.

“I-it’s for you a-actually,” Frank said and held the phone up in front of me. I smiled a bit and took the phone, crouching down beside Frank.

“Hello?” asked and leaned against the other.

“Gerard! Why aren’t you answering your phone?” A voice said over the phone and paused but started talking again before giving me a chance to reply. I smiled at the voice, knowing it was Emma, Elly’s mother. “Whatever. I’m so sorry, I have to come and pick Elly up like right away. I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed. I frowned a bit and nodded.

“Alright, well Elly is always a joy to have over. Bring her around whenever, Frank and I love her,” I said and smiled, turning to look at Frank for a quick second.

Frank smiled back at me.

“Frank, love, we have no cake ingredients,” I said as I looked into the fridge. Frank giggled a bit and walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. It was kind of quiet with Elly gone, her mom had picked her up a few minutes ago and she kept showing her mom the small star on her arm.

She really looked up to Frank.

“Wh-why do you need c-cake i-ingredi-dients?” Frank asked and giggled, looking at me as I turned around in his arms.

“Because I want to make a cake.” I stated and kissed his forehead.

“I-its not a sp-special occasion,” Frank said and rolled his eyes.

“Yes but, I’d like to make a cake. I’m huuunngrrryyy,” I whined. I just kind of wanted to make a cake as something special for Frank, he was extremely sad to see Elly go and I needed to cheer him up. I needed to stick around to hunt for jobs as well.

I think Frank got what I was trying to say to him and nodded a bit, unhooking his arms from my waist and stepping back.

“I’ll go to the store,” He sighed.

“Awesome!” I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Frank nodded and tugged on a scarf and jacket, smiling at me once more before stepping out of our apartment door.

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