All these miles just to get back home

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Authors note

Chapter two!! Merry Christmas/ happy holidays to everyone! also for those of you who don't celebrate have a good few days ^.^

~T xoxo

I was woken up by a sharp knock on the front door. I groaned and pulled myself out of bed, realizing that Gerard wasn’t there. He had probably gone to work. The clock by the bed read 11:02. Fuck. I patted down my hair and rushed to the front door and when I opened the door, Emma and Elly were standing there.

“Frankie!” Elly exclaimed and reached out her arms, indicating for me to pick her up.

“Hi-hiya Elly” I said as I picked her up. “E-Emma, Gerard is a-at work but h-he’ll be h-home at th-three” I explained.

“That’s fine! I trust you with Elly. She normally goes to bed between seven and eight and she has board games and stuffies in her bags. Also no more than 3 hours of television each day! I'll pick her up in four days how about?” Emma said.

I nodded and Emma and Elly said their goodbyes before I closed the door and placed Elly on her feet. She got me to bend down so she could give her a hug and then soon she ran around Gerard's and my apartment, exploring. Soon I grabbed her bags and brought them to the guest room. Elly followed me and immediately jumped up onto the bed.

"Can you get my stuffies out of my bag please?" Elly asked and smiled up at me.

"S-sure!" I smiled and started digging through Elly's bag and placed the multiple stuffed animals I found on the bed beside Elly.

"Can we watch TV?" She asked.

"You o-only get thr-three hours of TV a d-day d-do you want to w-watch something n-now or lat-ter today with m-me and Ge-Gee?" I asked.

"Something later when Gee gets home!" She exclaimed. "Where is he?" She asked.

"Gerard is a-at work" I explained.

"Can we go see him?" Elly asked and bounced up and down.

I nodded and Elly grabbed a jacket of hers as it was still winter technically. I grabbed my jacket and had to zip up Elly's before we were out the door.

"A-aww Fu- I mean d-darn" I said as we got out of our building. "El-lly I don't have a c-car" I explained and crouched down next to her.

"We can walk!" Elly said.

"I-its really f-far..." I said and hung my head.

"I wanna walk" Elly groaned.

"O-okay" I smiled.

Elly and I started walking and she grabbed my hand as we were walking. Soon my phone rang and I looked at the caller I.D. which read Jack. I explained to Elly that I had to answer the phone and she nodded as she let go of me and jumped over to go sit in the snow. I giggled and sat down next to Elly, answering my phone.

"H-hi Jack" I answered.

"Hey Frank. Your stuff is here and we're coming back next month..We'll bring your stuff back for you if you'd like" Jack said.

"No, I-I just wanna l-leave it in L-LA" I said and started giggling at my own joke.

"Ha-ha very funny. I was just calling to say hi and ask how things are going with you and Gerard" Jack said.

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