Gay as fuck

186 15 10

*frank's POV*

I waved Gerard a goodbye and walked down the stairs, the elevator in our building is broken which kind of sucks... a lot...

When I got to the parking lot, I rushed over to Gerard's car, unlocking it and getting in. About ten minutes later, I was outside the local Safeway. Cake ingredients. That wouldn't take me long. I'd just have to get one of those boxes of cake mix, as well as some icing, to make it look nice.

I stepped into the store, grabbing a plastic grocery basket and walking across the damp floor, trying to get to the baking aisle. I had almost slipped on the floor a couple times due to people not wiping their shoes off when they come in. Ugh. But luckily, I made it into the aisle, grabbing a box of rainbow chip cake mix and chocolate icing. Gerard would be pleased. I was looking for rainbow colored sprinkles, or just assorted sprinkles for that matter to go with the rainbowness of the cake. Wow... my gay is showing.

Whatever, back on track. As I was looking for nice cake decorations, I could feel a presence that didn't feel right, hovering over my shoulder. I took a deep breath and took a step to my left. Maybe the person wanted to get to where I was looking but as I moved, I realized they weren't. The presence moved with me. I moved my eyes to the right, looking to see what or who it was and I practically had a heart attack.

"A-Ad-dam..." I stuttered out.

"Making cake, are we?" He asked and pulled a smile down at me. The same man who abused me was now smiling at me.

I swallowed hard and nodded slowly.

"Y-ye-eah w-w-we ar-a-are.." I said, now stuttering more than I probably ever had.

"I didn't know you have a stutter," Adam said and frowned slightly, crossing his arms.

"Y-yeah I-I d-d-do.. I-I guess..." I replied.

Adam looked to me for a couple seconds, not saying anything before he decided to say something again.

"We should hang out sometime, just you and me, yeah? Like how it used to be." He suggested and smiled.

Adam actually smiled.

"U-uh y-yea-yeah I gu-guess.." I said and shrugged my shoulders up and down.

"Cool! Here, put your number in my phone," Adam said and handed me his abnormally large phone. Why must phone companies keep increasing the size of their technology?

I wasn't sure if he was being genuine or not, but I did dial in my actual number. I also wasn't sure if I should have done that..

"Awesome. Well, I'll see you soon, Frankie," Adam said and winked at me. Well that was before he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

I squeaked and nodded, my words caught in my throat. "Y-ye-eah o-ok-kay," I said and pushed past him, going to the self checkout.

And without my rainbow sprinkles too...

It didn't take long before I was back to our apartment building, leisurely walking up the stairs to Gerard's and my flat. When I walked through the door, I could see Gerard's bright orange hair. I laughed quietly and smiled wide, walking over to him.

"I go-got gr-groceries," I said and smiled at him.

"Awesome! Cake time!" Gerard exclaimed and grabbed the white plastic bag from my hands, walking into the kitchen. I followed closely behind.

Gerard had set out all the ingredients and was now mixing the cake batter, which did smell incredibly good, even though it still wasn't cooked.

"Anything interesting happen while you were out?" Gerard asked. I bit my lip and thought about it for a second before shrugging and shaking my head. I didn't think I needed to tell Gerard about Adam.

"N-no," I replied and smiled up at Gerard.

"You're so boring," He joked and smiled. I giggled slightly and nodded, throwing a playful punch at his arm.

"I-I am not!" I exclaimed.

Gerard smiled and laughed as well, but he shook his head, smiling down at me. Gerard had placed his hands on my hips before pressing his lips to mine, kissing me gently. After a bit, Gerard pulled away.

"You kind of are," He chuckled and reached over, dipping his finger in the cake batter and smearing some all over my face. In reply, I just laughed and smiled at how much of a weirdo my boyfriend was.

Authors note;

so, I have no idea where I'm taking this fic right now so I'm putting it on hold...

Check out the new fic I'm writing with fuentes_iero, it's called I don't love you.

Until next time killjoys,

T xoxo

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