Give me everything you got for this WAP

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My mom just pulled the "Cause he's perfect and I'm not" card. Like, I'm sorry that I called you out for being a mentally and physically abusive piece of shit. Maybe you should grow up some before telling me to. I'm like 10x more mature then her, but since she does more chores around the house than me I'm the bad guy. I can't handle this shit anymore. I'm gonna go insane if I hear her say, "I'm not guilt tripping you, but- *says a guilt tripping/gaslighting statement*" or "I'm not fighting with you *proceeds to fight her way to contradict everything I've said*" one more fucking time. I'm so sick and tired of her fucking bullshit. I was just trying to talk to her about how my grandma had gotten mad at me for touching a piece of clothes that they hadn't folded. I was upset about being told to grow up over me touching a piece of fabric. Then, she had to push even farther by bringing up how she never has to worry about my brother messing up. When I said she was playing favorites she told me that she had never played favorites. Seems pretty damn legit, right? She's such a fucking bitch. I wish she would just shut the fuck up and leave me alone. But that won't happen cause I have to deal with her for another 5-7 years. I hate her fucking guts. I'm so damn close to running away. At this point my best dreams are of my family dead. I wish they all would just shut the fuck up and listen to my words and let me explain my feelings. But to them I'm some pet. Some emotionless, painless pet. I want them all dead. They are the worst.

Do you guys lie often?

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