Put this puthy right in your face 👀

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💫Mentioned Death ig?💫 💫Cursing💫

So just today I was on a walk with my dad, no fighting just walking and talking. We were talking about past pets, how he'd met my mom, etc. It was pretty nice. When we got near our house we were talking about how old our past pets were when they... passed. Like an idiot I brought up my favorite past pet (A cat named Frosty) who had died from some seizures, and I immediately got extremely sad. We got home and my mom could tell I was upset, and like the person she is she pressed a little til I cracked.

Anyways, I somehow managed to get on the topic of how I wasn't necessarily upset about his death; rather I was upset about the fact that the only thing I remembered about him was his death. Apparently that was concerning in her eyes and she decided that the best course of action was to bring up my dead dog, grandma, and grandpa. From that I realized the lack of memories didn't end with Frosty. So, I won't remember shit about people except their deaths, so that's nice ig.

I will now be having a mental breakdown- 😫

Q: Do you have a pet? If so what's it's name (if sharing it's name is uncomfortable for you, just say what type of animal it is! :D)

A: Yes, I personally have a male cat named S'more. Overall in my family though, we have 5 pets. (S'more;  a female cat named Twix; and three male dogs named Zoom, Gent, and Stormy.) Feel free to ask about them if you want, ig-

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