Extra large and extra hard

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My period is killing me right now. On a pain scale of 1-10 I'm at a 1,000,000. I've taken 2 pain meds and am using a heating pad and it still feels like I'm being stabbed in my Uterus. Fuck you, menstrual cycle. My dad doesn't even believe a period hurts. Anyways, I'm planning on getting a ✨Minerva✨ when I'm older. (A Minerva pretty much removes the lining of the Uterus which causes the periods. Why would I even need periods? I'm not even planning on having kids, much less giving BIRTH to one.

What is your sexuality, gender identity, and pronouns? (If you don't feel comfortable sharing, you don't have to!)

My answer: Demisexual (Biromantic), Demi-Girl, She/They/It (and Clown/Clownself, but you don't have to use those if you don't want to)

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