3 - The Princess

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In The Dark Room of the Dark House:

The Lord got ready. He was excited. He was thrilled. He was at peace.

Finally, justice will come. It will come to him.

He wore his favourite robes. He wore his best shoes. He had to get ready for the trip. He sprayed his fragrant scent.

He finally brushed his teeth for the first time in the month.

In The State Of Sub-consciousness

Am I in heaven?

Am I in hell?

Am I still alive?

The answer to all your questions - IDK

I'll go with heaven. So is heaven like, completely dark? Cause, how much ever I open my eyes, its dark. Pitch black. Also, does the surface of heaven vibrate? Cause it sure does. Does heaven fell uncomfortable? Yes.

Then I thought - Hey. If I'm in heaven doesn't that mean I can conjure stuff and do stuff at my will? So here we go-

Exp -1

Materials required - an unclaimed or unattached spirit, some brains.


Step 1 -concentrate on a problem you want to fix.

Step 2 -remember what your favourite superhero do and copy them on how to discovering your powers.

Step 2(alternative)-just keep concentrating till tears come out

Step 3 -open your eyes and prepare yourself for the grand disappointment'

Learning outcome-you suck at concentrating. But heaven doesn't let you down.

I tried to stop the vibrations, and it worked. Suddenly, wherever I was, the ground stop vibrating. I suddenly fell like I was floating and then back on another surface.

Then I willed to hear some sound, to be touched to reality (I guess I cant really say that, but still....) and I heard a "sleeping beauty" out of no where.

Hmm. Even though heaven is awesome, it's really mean.

Then I wished that I could see light. And ............BAAAM. Something was lifted off my face and light flooded in. I had to close my eyes for some time because there was so much light that..... Even the blind could see.

I heard the same voice that I heard before (maybe its god) - "all eyes on the princess, folks. The same one I will kill today"

It was definitely not god.

At A Rich Mansion:

Wanda was worried. She always is. Debbie hadn't picked her phone nor has she answered her text. Even if it had science doubts. Debbie never ignored science. It's like a sin of the greatest to do that.

But Debbie is always late. There shouldn't be anything to worry.

There is always tomorrow. Anyways she's coming to the mall tomorrow. Everything's going to be fine.

At The Small Apartment:

Malcolm and his mother looked at the clock and said simultaneously

"she's trying to sleep but the bus is not comfortable" and sighed. This happens once in .......2 months.

"Give it some time "Mrs. Cray said. "Like another 6 hours or a day "

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