4 - Suspicions

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The Next Day:

In The Apartment in the Noisy City

"You mean, she's not here yet?"

Wanda arrived at Debbie's only to get the bad news. That got her extremely worried. But her Mrs. Cray is not exactly sharing her concern.

"Oh, it happens sometimes. She gets here a little late. Sometimes an hour. Sometimes a day. Just patiently wait. Its just cause she got on the wrong bus."She said.

Wanda was still not convinced. Even though Debbie might be late and clumsy, she can never forget about the outing today. She was so excited for it. She'll even travel the whole country for it, according to her. There was something fishy and Wanda couldn't quite place it.

'Maybe her mom is right. Debbie will come. Just give it some time. Sigh.

At A Park

Wanda went out for a walk in the park, alone, without her bodyguards or her friends and started cooling down. 'She's alright. She might be sleeping in the wrong bus right now.' sigh. Wanda couldn't wait for Debbie to come back. She never really liked it when Debbie is not around. She couldn't wait to hear another one of her goofy science theories. That Debbie.......


Yawn. Such a nice day. Birds chirping. Squirrels playing. Horses neighing. Sun shining. Wind blowing. Grass poking. Trees moving. Me sleeping.

I go to admit, this picnic is really nice. Ahhh. The wind, the air. You don't get these in the city. I'm so happy to stay away from all those noise and pollution. This place is so mind calming. It's really dark around here because of the trees covering the sunlight. (How cool is that!)

I had a weird dream last night. I died in it. Probably that's how I woke up. Oh thank god that nightmare is over. In the dream, some thugs hijacked a bus and took me to a mafia that was infamous but my interpretation was that the mafia was infamous for his stupidity. Lol. That guy actually sought revenge over an Instagram request. Probably that's why it was a fantasy.

It all made me think over my life - what I did right and what I did wrong. I started meditating and filled my brain with the chirping sounds of the birds. It was total peace. And I don't last. Your annoying brother always has to annoy you licking you and spreading mucus on you.

Wait what? That doesn't fit right, does it?

I opened my eyes to see something else. namely, a snout.

WHAT THE.......!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"I scream (obviously)

I stood up and came face to face with a bear. Scary. Why am I in a wildlife park? It should at least be kid-friendly! That bear could go around killing people. I should complain to the authorities right now - "excuse me? But don't you have any wildlife control around here? Cuz there's a bear running around. Just thought that you should know"


I stood there, frozen, trying to remember how to cope up with a bear.

That's right! They don't eat dead things. Then why is this thing still chasing me?

So I did the best thing I could do during these kinds of situations - drop down dead and hold my breath. I can hold my breath up to 21 Mississippi-ies, according to some study (friends).

One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three Mississippi . The bear started smelling me.

Four Mississippi. Five Mississippi. Six Mississippi. It continued sniffing.

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