Sweet Sugar

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A/N: Welcome back to my book!
Requester: GlitchyEx3
Origins: OoO Origins of Olympus
Ship: Bryan x Inpu
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Summary: Just floofy stuff.

Bryan wakes up, hearing the soft murmurs from his husband's sleep and quietly lays back down next to him. Inpu had been overworking himself and always had at least 2 cups of coffee from every morning, evening, afternoon and night, and then repeat, which mathematically speaking it would be (2 x 4) 8 full cups of coffee everyday.

No sugared coffee was too much for Inpu's taste buds, so he decided on 4 sugar cubes, with 2 cups of milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon. On some occasions it would be 5-6 sugar cubes but not likely.

The sweet scent of sugar from the coffee and the sprinkle of cinnamon make the coffee even better, with a hint of love in there as well. The milk gives off a creamy taste and the more sugar that was added it made the sweetness just melt in his mouth, making him want more of the sweet deliciousness.

On some occasions, yes he would get sugar-hyper, but Bryan has the perfect solution when he does get sugar-hyped. A scratch behind his ears would make him calm himself and lean into Bryan's touch more until he had calmed.

Bryan had been snapped out of his thoughts as he heard louder murmuring, more audible this time but still quite hard to tell what vocabulary he was using, Bryan leans into Inpu more and softly makes Inpu come closer to him.

The scent of coffee coming from Inpu's breath had filled Bryan's noise. The sweetness from the sugar, the cinnamon which gave off an eccentric taste, the milk which made an effect the taster would know, but Bryan knowing that it was creamy with a nice heart pattern made with the milk.

"I love you~."


A/N: How is everybody? I'm back with a short one shot, I'm not sure if I'm entirely off my break, but we'll see in the near future. As you can probably tell, my vocabulary has grown and I don't think my writing style has changed, but I'll let you decide that. I hope everyone is still doing well and hasn't forgotten about me yet, I'm not dead fortunately, so I apologise if updates aren't as well. Currently, in lockdown and I think my writer's block has subsided for a while.

Hope I see you all lovely readers again!
Goodbye for the time being.

Word Count (Including A/N): 428

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