3 Words You Don't Want To Hear (P1)

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A/N: Hello there.
Request: Myself.
Origins: OoO Origins of Olympus
Ship: None
Genre: No fridging idea-
Warnings: Losing memory
Summary: Cal woke and had an aching headache, he was sick. He tries to avoid everyone who comes to talk to him. But suddenly something happened and made some campers heart drops. Just 3 words.

Cal woke up with an aching headache, he shouldn't of had let Ricarro beat him with a toy hammer. Ricarro bursted through Cal's door with Davis along with him. He got out of bed trying to look fine but actually wasn't, David looked out of breath while Ricarro was really sweaty. Cal figured they went for hoppity-skippity, well that's what Ricarro would call a run.

"Hey neighbro! What are you doing still in your room at 11am? You should be out enjoying the sunshine." Said Davis punching Cal playfully in the shoulder, Ricarro nods in agreement and Cal just playfully rolls his eyes.

"Not now David, I have an... errand to fun to... for Khonsu!" Cal made up and exuse just for his headache not to get worse, he also felt a cough coming up, so he held it in. David and Ricarro left after a few minutes so now Cal was alone in the main area of the pyramid. Cal started to cough, he felt absolutely sick, like really sick. Inpu and Magnus were upstairs trying to read quietly. Well, Magnus was practicing to throw their knife/dagger. They heard really bad coughing, so they went down to see who was coughing, once they got out they saw Mev also come out of his room too, along with Mikael. Cal saw them from the couch and instantly stopped coughing and went to the kitchen to pretend he was getting a drink and was about to walk out.

"Hey Cal, what are you doing?" Mev asks concerned a little, while, Edgar jumps in worry as well. Cal saw Inpu, Magnus and Mikael walk beside him.

"I'm juts getting a drink and going outside for a walk, why are you all down here?" Asks Cal, trying not to seem suspicious, they all could see he was lying but didn't want to speak up, so they just let Cal do his thing but after Cal left, the others followed him quietly.

That was a close one... Maybe I could by Momiji and Mania along the way. Cal thought in his head, the others still following close behind.

Cal stopped to take a break since he was still really sick and he felt his heartbeat go faster and felt like he was running out of oxygen. Cal started to cough badly and started to drink water quickly to stop coughing. He suddenly felt a hard object hit his head out in an instant.

Inpu, Magnus, Xylo (Cuz he also saw it happen), Davis, Ricarro, Momiji and Mev were trying to get the fallen tree that hit Cal off him. Once they got the tree off, Cal was still breathing but unconscious and bleeding in the head. They went to the infirmary with haste and Kay was able to heal Cal up, but he was going to be in a short coma for 2 weeks.

|~|After 2 Weeks|~|

Everyone who got the tree off Cal was still waiting for him to wake up, so they were all distracted until they heard a groan, the saw Cal trying to sit up but Inpu put him back down on the bed, they were relieved that Cal was awake, but just a few words broke their hearts into pieces.

"Who are you?"


A/N: I'm sorry okay?! I wrote this while I was waiting for the doctors for a sibling, and also I needed something dramatic to happen. Part 2? <3

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