Sane.. again?

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A/N: I doubt anyone can remember which role play this if from, but if you do, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! >////<
Requester: Myself 
Origins: Hunted (MAGIC BEAST)
Ship: None
Genre: Neutral?
Warnings: Mentions of blood, insanity, experiments, death, injections. 
Summary: The 5(or 6) stumble upon an abandoned lab, they start looking around and then they hear a crash. Nick's gone... sane? And some other things are happening! The group learn more about Dan and Nick! :)

"I'm sure we can find something here to cure your wound Brandon." Spoke Kaylee, her hand residing onto Brandon's shoulder gently.

Brandon nods as they walk into the abandoned looking lab through the broken glass doors. 

"Ooh~ I wonder if we can find some cake in here!" Nick beamed with joy, his figure slowly disappearing down the long hallway, which was scattered with papers, bent doors and dirty stains most likely to be from potions or blood. 

"Wait Nick!" Asia breathed out, not bothering to raise her voice any louder since he was already long gone.

Tom sighs from frustration and crosses his arms as they keep on walking down the hallway, "We'll find him sooner or later, let's split up and meet back here once we've collected all the supplies we need."

The group nod and separated from each other.

"What was that Dan?" Nick questioned his ghostly friend with interest, his gaze looking over to an empty corner of the room, and just the window and it's stained curtains made the corner a little more lively looking.

"Something about this place seems familiar? Nah! You're overthinking Dan!" Nick laughed out, his voice is oddly cheerful and gives the room a weird sense of danger radiating off the boy.

 The room was suspiciously clean, the only thing out of place were the messy organization of books, test tube stands, test tubes, flasks and papers. Besides that, the room was as livable as it could be, unlike the rest of the lab. The curtains were undamaged but were still a little stained, and by a closer inspection it was stained with someone's blood.

Nick glances over to one of the lab benches and walks over to it with a smile on his face, finding something interesting to his eyes, as Nick takes a closer look at it he realizes that the thing that caught his eye was because it was glowing, and was safely contained in a 250mL conical flask. It looked as if the person who was last here had encountered something unexpecting, causing the potion to be left unfinished.

The surrounding stuff on the desk were all related to that one glowing liquid in the flask. What laid there was too confusing for Nick to comprehend. The writing was in cursive and the drawings on it were too complicated, too many subtitles and the information had big words such as 'Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis', which had something to do with the lungs, which Nick still couldn't understand, as well as 'Parastratiosphecomyia Stratiosphecomyioides' which had something to do with a solider fly native to a place called Thailand, not like Nick has ever had heard about a place called like that, but it was still interesting since the species could only live for five to eight days.

"Dan, do you know what all this stuff means?" Asked Nick, his face in evident confusion, "Yes? But you don't want to explain it, why?" There was a pause for silence between the two, "Aww okay." Nick whines, retreating his gaze back to the desk.

As Nick picks up the flask with the glowing liquid with suspicion, his eyes stare at the liquid as it shines as he keeps holding it.

The liquid swayed in the flask as Nick keeps holding onto it, the glowing liquid had the colour of a bright green but it was a bit murky, probably from all the dust. The bright green liquid seems to have a mind of it's own in some way, the liquid sparkling from time to time and it sometimes looks like there is a face in it.

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