FTO Meets My Class

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A/N: Yes I got permission to use their names so no need to worry UwU
Request: Myself.
Origins: FTO Fairytale Origins
Ship: None
Genre: ?
Warnings: Weird stuff
Summary: Uhh... So they managed to get into my world and I was in class, let's see how this plays out.

I was listening to my classmates talk about the problems of school while I just listened, I never really liked class discussions. Suddenly in the corner of my eye I see a portal open What the heck? I say in my head, I see people come out from the portal not regular people but it was LiTeRaLlY One of the Fairytale Origins Guild. Oh nooo.. I ask my teacher Mr.Peters if I could go to the bathroom, weird feeling because I've never asked to go during class. I walk outside and drag the Guild with me, they followed surprisingly.

I stop dragging them until we were at a private bit of the school, "What the hell are you guys doing here?" I say quite annoyed that I had to leave to talk these guys. They were all a bit sceptical of me but then they realised I'm their creator of my AU.

"David tried to help Ms.P with something to open to a new world but ended up here, in the real world." Brandon says glaring at David.

"Well, since you're here a few rules apply." I say waiting for them to listen, "You cannot use your powers, no taking off your clothes! And most importantly do not insult any type thing that could be offensive to anybody for example racism, homophobia etc. You got it?" They all nod in agreement, I then start to head back to class. I sit down waiting until the bell rings.

|~|Bell Rings|~|

"Hurricane!" I hear someone shout, the person hugs me and it looked like they were crying..? I see Lucas running away from Beckham? Wait- BECKHAM?! I drag Lucas to my back and Beckham stops.

"What do you think you're doing?" I say quite angry.

"Those 2 threw rocks at me! Just because I said their hair looked weird." He replied, Ah *bleep* Mario.. I turn around and see Mario behind Lucas he was just about to throw some more rocks before I stopped him.

"Where's Ritchie and Brandon?" I whisper, the 3 looked at each other and shrugged. I sigh, and tell them to go find their guild leaders. I face back to my friends and Beckham.

"Why'd you let them go?" He starts to walk closer, "And why did they call you Hurricane?" This started to make my heart beat a little, not because I had a crush on him (ew) but it was because I did not have an exuse, luckily I saw Lachlan pass by.

"Hey Beckham, look it's the robot! Man, his hair is a mess." I shout loud enough for only my friends and him to hear, he runs over to Lachlan and starts to joke around him. I sigh with relief but then forgot that I left my friends confused.

"Well..." I hear Olivia start, "Handball anyone?" I sigh and give them a short smile, since there were 6 of us including me  I left to go find the guild.

I see Brandon and Ritchie playing a game of Capture the flag with my classmates, eventually it came down to 2 v 12 or something. They won of course, and Racheal couldn't stop rambling about them to me after I went to go talk to them. I eventually decided to let my class meet them since I've been avoiding that.

|~|In Class|~|

"So Tea has people she wants you guys to meet." Mr. Peters say while looking at some files. I stand up at the front and open a portal because writing logic- aHeM. They all come out at the front.

"Nice cut, G!" I hear Kurtis say and I'm thinking in my head, Shut the hell up you son of a- They all eventually became friends and we all burned the whole classroom down. Just kidding! The guild learned a lot of Australian slangs and other weird stuff we say...

"Tea! Do you have your bitrthday in May or August? (None are my real birthday :/)" I turn my head to face Madi, I heard it wrong and I said: "What, Do I take autism classes at night?!" I shout at her, my classmates start to laugh and I just sat there confused.


So, um. We may not be the most amazing people, but it was nice seeing them. I just hope they don't use Australian slangs back in their world because that would just be weird...


A/N: Bro... This actually sucks because not everyone was mentioned, Oof. Not my best oneshot but it was the least I could do. Part 2?
Bye. <3

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