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 "Go away, I'm sleeping," I groaned as I felt someone shaking me. Reaching out with my hand, I tried to half-heartedly swat the culprit away as my eyes flickered open to a dimly lit room. A view which was soon invaded by the grumpy face of my partner.

"Get up," she demanded, glaring at the half-asleep mumble I gave her in return. "Get up before I stab you with your own sword."

Moaning again, I rolled over so my back was facing her and buried my head into my pillow. Normally I was so good at getting out of bed, but, after having my mind invaded by my stubborn, elusive wolf, the bed seemed like the nicest place to be.

I shot upright as shock ran through my whole body, the drowsiness completely gone. Slowly lifting my hand to my face, it came back wet and I glared at Marcella and the empty glass she held.

"Irrumator," I cursed, pulling off the blanket and turning to sit on the edge of my bed. 

Marcella merely smirked. "Shouldn't have fallen asleep."

I noticed the floor was strewn with my clothes and belongings, and I bent down to pick them up. Under my breeches was a book which I held up to the dim light to read the title. "The history of the twelve packs," I read aloud before realising what it was. "Hey, Marcella. I got you a souvenir."

Marcella caught the book with one hand, glancing over the cover before opening it to the first page. "Long before Lycaon was a country, it was divided into twelve powerful packs who controlled territory throughout the land," she traced each line with her finger as she spoke. "Wars were frequent as packs fought for land and power, all trying to be the best. But this ended when Santorinians invaded and took over the country. The packs were forced to work together to overthrow the oppressive conquerors and from that was forged the country Lycaon. In the beginning, Lycaon was-"

She cut off, closing the book and chucking it on her bed which was on the opposite side of the room to mine. "Thanks, I'll enjoy the history lesson. I have always wanted to learn about the oppressive Santorinians who gave women equal rights."

"You're welcome," I replied. "It's about time you learnt your alphabet."

She growled at me, her amber eyes becoming more intense and fiery as her wolf became more dominant in her mind. The sudden reminder of my wolf's absence, along with my wolf's sudden appearance and then her disappearance, caused a tear to leak from my eyes and I bit my lip to suppress a whimper.

"Faex, I'm sorry," Marcella embraced me in a tight hug as soon as she noticed the heartbroken look etched into my face. "Is it about the General? Are you still upset?"

I shook my head. "No, it's not that. Anyway, I'm fine." I brushed off her concern and stood up, forcing a smile. "See, there is nothing wrong."

She growled, more softly this time. "Artemis, don't do that to me. Don't pretend everything is okay when I know it isn't. Tell me what is wrong or I will-" She paused, no decent threat coming to mind. "I will threaten you with something terrifying," she finally decided on.

"I'm so scared," I responded, my voice drenched in sarcasm. "Seriously, though, I am fine."

Marcella gave me a look of disappointment, seeing straight through my facade. But when I did not remove the mask and show her the emotions brimming underneath, she did not press the issue, knowing she would get nowhere. She had tried to get me to speak about my mother's death for almost five years without getting anywhere. And this would be exactly the same.

"Since you were busy sleeping," she swiftly changed the subject, "you missed finding out about the ball the Alpha King and Luna Queen are hosting. Octavia is the guest of honour so that means a night of listening to dull conversations, scaring away suitors and trying not to drown our misery in alcohol."

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