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"Introducing her royal highness, Lamia Princess Octavia Domitius Monarchia, Princess of the fallen Santorinian Empire, Lady of the vampires and the bearer of the Vasa Gloriae Coronam."

The herald's voice echoed across the ballroom, causing the soft chatter to disappear and the crowd of people to part and create a path to the royal family. Marcella and I strode in behind the princess, eyes scanning the room as we walked down the centre of the ballroom. Gradually, my eyesight swept from the faces and bodies of the crowd of high-ranking people around us to the feet of the royal family, not meeting their eyes in a respectful manner. Although, I did glance upwards to see what they looked like.

"Kalo̱sórisma, Octavia," the tall, imposing man standing in the middle spoke first. He was clearly the Alpha King as he wore the Lycaon crown, an intricately carved band of wood with a wolf howling at the moon as its centrepiece.

"Thank you, Lorenz, for your gracious welcome," the princess responded graciously. "And, thank you, Hippolyta, for organising such a wonderful ball. You truly have a talent: the music is delightful and the food looks delicious."

The Luna Queen smiled, the compliment sending a delicate blush to her cheeks. She was a tall, slim woman with long blonde hair tightly curled up into a bun and soft white eyes which radiated warmth and love. Like her husband, she wore a wooden band upon her head, however, instead of a wolf, the centrepiece was an intricately carved moon, showing her position as a Luna as well as a royal.

"We are honoured by your presence here, your highness. I hope that you and my promised shall find common ground on which to forge this alliance, protecting every child of Lycaon and every citizen of Santorini." Her voice was graceful, but submissive as she respectfully held the princess' gaze whilst never appearing threatening.

"Indeed, we all hope for peace and prosperity. And, with this common ground, we should be able to take the necessary steps to ensure this, isn't that right Lorenz." She turned her attention back to the Alpha King who did not flinch under her hardened gaze.

"My Alphas and I bear no grudges for the unfortunate relationship your family and mine have had over this past millennium. We look instead to the future and to a promise of friendship, rather than war."

I could not help but smirk at the underlying message of their conversation. Lycaon once was under the rule of the Lamia Queen and Lamia King as part of their Empire and many wolves were killed during the reign. Although we may have brought them out of their primitive ways, constructing harbours, roads, towns and teaching them how to use their natural resources, Santorini was still hated for their reign. And, the Alpha King was trying to remind her of this; attempting to make her grateful for the diplomacy he was showing her.

Extending her hand outwards, the Princess brushed off the remark without batting an eyelid, remaining diplomatic and unreadable as always. "I believe a dance would be an appropriate way to begin this journey into the future. Would you do me the honour?"

"It would be my honour," he responded, taking her hand and stepping towards the centre of the ballroom.

Marcella looked at me as we watched the Princess disappear into a crowd of Alphas and Lunas, all ready to begin the first dance. "Left side or right side?" she asked, gesturing to two of the wooden columns which were part of the colonnade at the side of the room.

"Left," I answered, noticing the General standing on the right side of the room with several Alpha Warriors, probably discussing their next massacre or ways to encourage the young into the army. That was one group of people I wanted to avoid unless I was allowed to show them how well a woman can fight.

The orchestra struck up a waltz that resounded across the room, immediately sparking life into the dancers who began their graceful twirl across the floor. I leant against the column, watching the Princess and everyone who came near her carefully and glancing over at Marcella from time to time to see pulling a grimace every time someone came to talk to her, probably asking for a favour from the Princess.

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