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Pushing past Aquila, I  burst through the door and dove into the crowd, ignoring the protests of high-ranking people as I rudely shoved them out of the way. Couples on the dance floor collided with me as I ran straight through the centre of the room, heading directly towards Princess Octavia who was stood in the arms of another Alpha.

She turned to see the panicked expression on my face as she heard my approach and the shouts of angry people behind me and stepped back from her partner, rushing towards me. "What's happened," she demanded as I took a hold of her arm and pulled her towards the edge of the room.

"Belladonna," I responded. "Someone dropped a bottle of it and I caught the scent. There may be an attempt on your life tonight, we need to get you to your chambers where you will be safer. There are too many people here." I rudely shoved an Alpha Warrior out of my way who growled angrily at me, but after seeing the Princess beside me quickly backed off. "Can you see Marcella anywhere?" I asked, preoccupied with scanning every single person who came near to search for her.

"I'm here," Marcella appeared beside us, taking hold of the Princess's other arm and drawing her sword part of the way, ready to fully take it out of its sheath if necessary. "What is the threat?"

"I smelled Belladonna in a side passage and the Princess' life is at risk. We are heading to her chambers to lock down." 

"Fast or safe?" Marcella questioned, referring to the two emergency routes we had mapped out. Fast was a route with a greater chance of attack, but also reached her chambers in very little time. Safe was a much longer route, taking many servant passages and hidden stairwells which were safer to use than a direct route through popular corridors.

"Fast," I decided.

Moving towards the main double doors, we found our route blocked by the Alpha King and General who looked at us with confusion and apprehension. "What is going on?" the Alpha King demanded.

"Sir, we believe there may be an active assassin in the palace," Marcella informed him. "We must get the Princess to safety immediately, whilst you have your warriors search the castle for someone with Belladonna in their possession. Now stand aside."

The Alpha King looked at her with shock and anger. "How dare you give me orders!" he cried. "I am above you in rank and by being a ma-"

We had no time for this. And so, without thinking of the consequences, I stepped forwards and shoved the King aside. With perfect timing, the double doors were opened to let a man enter the ballroom and Marcell and I dragged Princess Octavia through the doors.

Our boots pounded loudly against the floor as we hurried down the hallway towards the large staircase which led to the second floor and to another staircase, leading to the third floor on which the Princess' chamber was. But, as my foot touched the first step, I froze and turned back to stare at the doors we had just passed through.

Shadowed by the warm glow of the ballroom behind then, the figure stared back at me without revealing even the slightest detail of his face. I strained my eyes, desperately trying to make out the colour of those entrancing eyes which sparkled in the dim moonlight, flooding through a small window. Even without seeing any detail, the figure took my breath away.

Inhaling deeply to slow my erratic heart, I almost choked in the incredible scent which filled the air. Rich oak, salty sea air and wild garlic teased my nose gently, pulling my foot off of the stairs and closer to him.

Already, I knew I would never get enough of that scent. It had become a craving I never knew needed to be fulfilled before and I wanted more. I needed more.


The voice was insignificant the blood rushing through my ears and the pounding in my heart. It was as though this figure had taken my full attention, removing all the distractions I had never been able to ignore before. It was just me and them, alone.

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