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I could feel the sticky warmth of the blood that dripped down the side of my face, but my brain was yet to register the pain. Instead, I was focused on the body that lay in front of me. The body of the person I was meant to protect - my mother.

It had been my fault. I was so giddy with excitement that I had failed to realise I was standing on the Lamia Queen's path. And so, when my mother surged forwards, the arrow aimed at the Queen's heart had only grazed my cheek, embedding itself deep into my mother's chest instead. 

Her body had crumpled to the floor, spilling her blood across the earth as a coldness had taken over her eyes. I suppose it was a relief that she had not suffered, but it was all over so quickly that I could barely comprehend what had happened. Somehow, my knees collided with the ground and my trembling hands found my way to cradle her head whilst screams and shouts erupted around us.

"No, mother, no! Don't leave me too!"

My sobs were insignificant in the raging ocean of anarchy as soldiers flooded the streets, dragging the captured assassin with them. The crowd surged forwards, fists raised and lips spitting poison at the man who had dared kill their queen. And all the while, I knelt on the earth, pleading with any God or even witch to let my mother live. 

"There are no Gods," a soft voice spoke behind me, silencing the roar of the crowds with its whisper. "Just pain. And death. And failure."

Hesitantly, I turned my head to the side to see the pale, dead-eyes of Marcella. Horror pierced my heart and its blade twisted deep inside of me.

"No," I whispered, my fingers reaching out to touch the lifeless skin that stretched across her cheekbones. "I watched you die."

"I know."

"Then how can this be?"

She smiled with despair. "You know how."

Just as my fingers were about to make contact with her face, I woke with a strangled sob to a darkened room and tensed under the covers of my bed. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust, but as I lay there, my heart gradually calming down, I realised what I had to do. 

Climbing out of bed, I quietly slipped on a pair of boots and wrapped my thick, bear-skin coat that had been a bribe from the Princess to encourage me to keep the secret of a lover her mother would not approve of. Then I stole out of the Princess's chambers and knocked on the neighbouring room which Marcella and I had slept in before the attack. A half-asleep Lucia answered the door with a scowl on her face. 

"Has something happened, Agem Artemis?" she asked, concerned.

"No, but there is something I need to go and do. Go and watch over the Princess whilst I am gone and do not wake her up."

She nodded, a sly smile on her face and I cursed my bad luck at it being her who answered the door. I only hoped she would not disturb the Princess too much in her desperation for royal favour.

Turning away, I hurried through the palace with my destination in my mind, my coat billowing out behind me. For the first time, I was thankful that we were not in Santorini because there were always ears listening there for the slightest secret that could benefit them. That and the bitter weather would have frozen me before I had made it down the stairs. 

The Eiríni room was situated beneath the palace and guarded by a single warrior who let me pass as soon as I mentioned that I was promised to the prince. Though I felt bad for using Andreas like that, the guilt was overshadowed by sorrow as I walked through the doorway and my eyes fell on the figure lying in the middle of the room.

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