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asta wakes up back in his little world , he hasn't been here in a while , since liebe hasn't reached out except one or two times for advice on how to use his weapons and what he can do with.

"Nice job dunce" liebe says looking at asta

"whatever man" as asta laughs it off and gives liebe a handshake

they have become good friends , although they don't connect a lot, asta acknowledged liebe as the reason he was able to come this far and liebe acknowledged asta as a hard worker and the one who's been able to take him this far

"asta there is a reason i'm here today, i want to tell about what really happened and why you have no magic." asta froze at the last words mentioning his lack of magic, he stared at liebe and asked him "please tell me."

liebe looked at asta , "long ago whenever i was born into the demon world i was bullied because i had no magic. they picked on me constantly and said i'd be nobody, much like how you said you were treated." asta understood this, he knew what it felt like to be shamed and discriminated against due to something he can't control.

"not long after , lucefiero took charge" asta shivered at the sound of his name, he's heard it around him all this time , yet never knew the full reason why.

lucifero killed the upper demons and took charge , he made me and other demons his slaves and his workers , only one demon escaped , one who used word magic. hint hint ;)

asta looked on as liebe started to look sad, "that was when i was given the order to go after a woman named Licita. a woman who had the ability to take peoples magic from them, lucifero wanted her to become a demon through a curse he can put on her , but it would turn her into a slave of him."

asta looked in disgust, he knew he was a scumbag but this makes him an even bigger one.

liebe then continued, "on my way to her house to the first time , i came acorss a grimore , with the power of anti magic." asta froze , that was the grimore that he had now , so that's how he got it, he thought in his head

through some not so good means , lucifero got Licita to agree with his plans but instead of her own life , he would have her give birth to a baby and be able to add two anti magic devils to his forces. through some not good means , he impregnated her with the baby that was supposed to become the a demon  , lucifero then had me watch her until the baby was birthed and he can have his demons, 9 months passed and the baby came out , he was a strong baby , there was just one problem , the mother was dying due to an illness." liebe looked sad as he continued on

"i knew what i had to do , i gave the baby some of my magic , my anti magic i got from my grimore and ran away , i told her my plans and she said she'll always be grateful for what i did for her. i said id come back for her and after i saved the child successfully , i came back to her stomach being ripped open with markings on her, it was obvious who got to her and did this to her."

tears started running down liebes face as he got up and walked to asta before embracing him in a hug.



the words rang out to him , he didn't realize it till now who the woman was , the reason he was brought into this world, was to become a devil.

asta embraced liebe , although shaken up from what happened he needed to comfort liebe , it was a horrible thing that happened to him and he wants to make sure his friend is okay.

he started to cry too, he wish he could've been able to see his mother , at least one time.

liebe said with rage in his voice, "asta we need to kill him, lucifero did this, i had to keep serving under him and act like everything was okay. we continued to monitor you in the village , i said the reason i took was for you to be raised right and to train and to be powerful so when we took you in youd be even greater then we could imagine. i hate him, i hate his name , i hate everything about him , as soon as i saw the chance you begun to awaken my power , i took it and came to you with the power to kill him and take revenge for what he did to her."

asta begain to understand now, why everything was why it was, his eyes were finally opened , everything in his life had led up to now , and that demon was the reason he doesn't have magic or a mom. he balled up his fists with rage and began to think about his next moves.

"where is he" asta says with hate in his voice

"he is in the spade kingdom" liebe answers him as he turns around and walks away , "his hosts name is dante."

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