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Thousands of years ago, a great war happened in the underworld

Lucifero along with other demons led a war to defeat the former leader of the underworld and take control of it.

This is the story of it.

The Underworld.

A Tall demon sits on Throne with many others around it, when suddenly there's an explosion heard in the distance

"LORD MEPHISTOPHELES" A demon knees in front of the demon on the throne



Mephistopheles walks out of the throne room and looks outside and sees absolute chaos

Higher ranked demons are clashing with each other, blood is spilling everywhere, they're making the already hellish landscape look worse

He looks around to see many of his comrades falling and dying in front of him, which angered the king, he wasn't a kind man at all, but made him furious to see his comrades get killed.

"That's it, i'll go fight myself" Mephistopheles says as he walks out onto the field and raises his hand, a ball of energy coming out of it


he throws the ball of energy at a group of rebels coming towards them and it explodes, instantly killing all of them as everyone stares in awe at the kings power

"WE WILL NOT LOSE HERE" One of the demons says before they feel a shudder down their spine

"It's him."

They look to see a tall demon walking over with a group of demons as mephistopheles understands the situation he's in now

"I see, lucifero is leading the charge" The king says before he's hit by a blast of gravity sending him back

"Mephistopheles, i have come to take over." Lucifero says along with his companions

"It's over, just surrender and we can kill you painlessly" Azazel says

"All higher ranked devils, don't think i'll get scared off easily" Mephistopheles says with a smile as he gets ready to attack


He sends a light speed attack towards them, almost killing lucifero instantly as one behind him is hit and killed instantly

"That was a warning shot, call of this attack before i kill the rest of you" He says as they all look on and smile

"Don't underestimate us"


Lucifero try's to surround The king in rubble as mephistopheles easily breaks the rock around him as  abbadon comes behind him sneaks up on mephistopheles from behind


Hes cut off with a hand to his throat, choking him out as megicula goes in for an attack next and she's caught by the king too, he slams them together and throws them back as he continues to fight


Azazel shoots a huge cannon of lava at the king as he easily blocks it with one of his own attacks


He throws a barrier up effortlessly as a portal opens up behind up and lucifero comes up for a sneak attack

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