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Asta stands over a 6 year old Licita, it's been 4 years since Licita discovered her affinity for not only Water magic but Time magic

Asta sits in his office, a older man with longer hair and a tad bit taller, watching Licita play on the floor next to him with Liebe and Astaroth trying to keep her entertained while Asta is hard at work.

Licita gets up and walks up to Asta, hugging his leg as he smiles and brings her up and sits her on his lap

"Dad, i'm hungry" She tells Asta as he smiles

"What do you want?" He asks his child as he plays with her ash colored hair

"I want..... pancakes!" She says as Asta nods as he calls downstairs, asking for pancakes to be brought to his office , and a lot of them at that.

Several of the kingdoms best chefs come into the room and bring Asta and his kid lots and lots of pancakes as not only does she start to eat but Asta does too

Asta and Licita start to scarf down food and plates are going down as fast as Vanessa on a Saturday night

After about 10 minutes, Asta and Licta lay down on the ground surrounded by plates as they're both stuffed

"Daddy i want mom" Licita says as she walks over to Asta and falls on top of his chest as he smiles

"We can't right now, she's on a trip with her family to the heart kingdom" He says as he carries Licita and lays her down in a nearby bed made in his officer as he sits down next to it and plays with Lictas hair as she slowly falls asleep

"Oh Licita, you've grown so much, i can't wait to see what you'll be capable of." He says with a soft smile as he gets back up and overlooks the kingdom, which has been doing so much better ever since he came into power 6 years ago.

Asta is now 27, 6 years ago he came into power as the wizard king after the great war with the spade kingdom, shortly after they had to worry about the war waged by Madara and Mephistopheles, ever since then its only been peaceful

The Clover kingdom has been doing good, Many people have been happy with the state of the kingdom as Asta has provided for not only his but he's shared resources with the other kingdoms as they have a trading system going on which has benefited many poor areas

Schooling systems have been implented all throughout the forsaken realm as education had been a big problem, it's what held Asta back from becoming the Wizard king for a long time, and he wanted to make sure the next generation didn't have to worry about it.

Asta smiles, knowing his work wasn't just for nothing as he overlooks his sleeping daughter, and kisses her forehead as he looks at a framed picture of Asta along with Noelle and Licita all smiling

"Thank you both, for everything" Asta says as he sits back in his chair and starts his work again.

Official end to the book, thank you all for everything, i will be moving onto doing my other book full time and i will start a new book soon, much love for the support you all gave me for this, i'm thankful for all of it <3

make sure to check out my next works, take care - k)

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