Who are you?

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Willam wakes up at 3 in the morning in his room in the golden dawn base, his head is pounding as he gets up and moves around and starts to walk as he falls into the ground with his head in agonizing pain

"let me out"

"you accepted me"

"you can't go back now"

"leave me alone" willam says as a tear sheds from his eye.

flashback - willams childhood

willam aspired to be the greatest magic knight, he was a bright kid with a big smile, but nobody ever wanted to be next to him

being the secret love child of a noble and a peasent, the noble ordered his peasent mom to be killed and willam was left alone in the forbidden realm. he was born with a birth mark or scar on his forehead almost covering half of his face. he was scared to show his face to anyone with the risk of being made fun of or bullied. nobody accepted him

his magic was incredible, the only person with world tree magic in the clover kingdom, he trained it everyday hoping one day a beacon of hope will get him out of this hell.

willam drifts to sleep one night as he hears someone in his dreams

"hello there" the voice says, willam turns around to see a white man , with red marks on his face with his hair in braids.

"you- who are you? why do you look like me? the young willam says confused

"i am here to be your friend, i know how they treat you out there, i'll be here to support you, just accept me and i'll always be here." the man says in a kind tone

"o-okay" willam says as the smiles smirks, willam then wakes up from his "dream" confused on what happened, that would be the last time he heard from that man in a while

later on in his life, willam meets his beacon of hope, a young julius novachrono who sees willams amazing magic and nearly faints as it's so amazing to him

"my name is julius, i am the captain of the grey deer, nice to meet you!" he says as he holds out his hands while willam shakes it

"that's some amazing magic, would you like to join my squad?" he asks willam as he's taken aback by the sudden invitation

"m-me?, are you not bothered by my scar?" willam says as he looks away

"listen kid, in my opinion that scar doesn't make you ugly or a monster, it makes you unique to me, rhat scar can become the beacon of hope for some kids some day." julius tells willam as his eyes open wide at the words

"if you really want, i'll make you a mask to cover it up, is that better?" he says as willam looks and nods

"alright kid, let's get out of here"

willam then goes to the clover kingdom and joins the grey deer along with a young yami sukihero, they are members of the squad untill julius becomes the wizard king and julius later assigns them leaders of their own squads, the night after he is made captain of the golden dawn, that man comes back to him

"hello" he says looking at willam in his dreams

"oh hi" willam says confused on why he's here after all this time

"i'm here to congratulate you on your promotion." he says smiling and shaking his hand as willam thanks him for it and tries to let go but the man doesn't budge

"listen, i'm sorry i had to do this to you, but in all honestly i don't like humans at all" as the man crushes willams hand and lets him fall on the ground

"from now on i'll be taking charge of this body any time i please" he says as willam gets up and shoves him back

"this is my body! why are you doing this ! i accepted you as my only friend" willam says as he starts to cry as his first friend makes him realize he used him

"this is your fault for accepting me, no hard apologies." the man says before leaving

from that night on, licht would spend the next years gathering his team of the midnight sun, leaving at night and pretending to go on missions, licht would go out and look for the members of the third eye then have them recruit members, this would all lead to them making moves to look for the gems to bring back their true power.....

back to current day

willam looks into the mirror and sees licht in the reflection

"if i tell julius about you, he'll find something to do, i know he will" willam says trying to scare licht but he doesn't budge

"you can't bring me out, they'll have to kill you" he says laughing as willam realizes that's the truth.

"i'll find a way, by myself" he says as he puts his mask on and goes out to train.

later that day

asta wakes up with noelle by his side once again, he gets up and gets dressed and goes out to eat breakfast and train , doing his usual 1000 push-ups , sit-ups , squats , jumping jacks, then moving to practicing his hand on hand combat, his sword skills and more. Having the day off he goes to take a bath , he covers his eyes with a towel as he relaxes ,

he hears someone enter the room and walk towards him

"if you're trying to scare me dad it isn't gonna work" he says as he gets no answer back

"magna? luck? anyone? he says as he takes off his and sees noelle looking at him with a towel on

"oh he- hi hey noelle" he says blushing , noelle moves to sit next to asta and takes off her towel and lays on his shoulder as asta is about to explode from two places at once

"so bakasta, why would you have condoms in your dresser" she says as she blush's and looks away as asta realizes what's going on here

"oh well you see um so i" asta starts off stuttering as not knowing what to say

"my dad gave them to me just in case we wanted to do anything baby making you know" he says as noelle is about to explode next to him

"baby making??" she thinks in her mind, "he wants to do it with me?" she thinks as she starts to feel warm at that thought

asta starts to warm up at the idea too, but gets it out of his head as his memeber will gets yk.

"so noelle do you want to wash my back?" he says with a smile trying to make conversation but relizing what he says thinks it wasn't the best thing to say

"YES ! i mean yes bakasta" she says almost too quickly as she gets some soap and begans to wash astas back, she rubs it and rubs it more as she starts to feel warm again, she then peeks to see if asta is okay and she's sees his other head if you catch my drift

"oh my god" she says in her head as blood falls out of nose

"you're doing a great job noelle thank you!" asta says relizing his member was saying hello and tried to hide it

noelle finish's and looks at asta as asta looks back, they go in for a kiss and asta brings noelle closer to his body as they both get that warm feeling inside their body's, but thennn

"hello is anyone in he-" finral says as he walks in with vanessa and they see a sight they wish they didn't see

asta looks as noelle looks too and realize they've been caught in the worst position possible

"INCAN EXPLAIN" asta says as finral and vanessa show themselves out

"oops" he says as noelle sprays him with water magic out of the embarrassment she just felt, although it would be nice to feel it again she thought

"man he is sure growing up fast" finral says laughing on the way back to his room.

hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! till next one :D

(we'll get some more fights in next one lol)

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