A lot of drama for one day

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"Hey y/n slowdown way are you running?"
"Because you can't just come here and to that.
We are not even friends I only met you twice. And I don't know way you are so nice to me even when everyone said that you are an ass"
"What? Who the fuck said that?
And Lando Is waiting in the god dam car because he really wanted to pick you up but he was too tired to drive so I came here to help him but what the fuck? What are you think that I am only nice to you because I want to fuck you!? well keep dreaming."

Ouch. That hurts. And you didn't even like him this way.

Max keeps walking to his car and you stay behind him.
You really mass it up.

"Back in the hotel"
"Okay bye max thanks for the ride."
"Yes bye Lando see you tomorrow."
You and Lando walk to your shared room.
"Why you and max didn't speak at the ride here?"
"Because he is mad at me"
"Why would he?"
"Ask him"
Lando roll his eyes.
"Well I am going to sleep at George's and he will take my tomorrow to the pool bye bye"
You said and grab your things.
"Wait y/n come on!"
"What Lando?"
"Why are you mad at me?"
"Because what y/n?"
Well because why would you bring max to my swimming pool? It was so awkward and weird all the girls were all over him."
"So? What do you care?"
"I care because I will have to be asked about it tomorrow and I don't want do say that I know you guys."
"What do you mean? You embarrassed of us?
For real y/n? That's mass up."
"No Lando it's not like that I just don't want people to get close to me just because I am friend with you guys."
"Why would it happened?"
"Because, Lando you are famous ok?"I can't even go with you to dinner without see paparazzi."
"So what you think people will only want to be friends with you to get to me?"
"To you to George to Alex to all the f1 world."
"I don't think people are like that."
"You remember my friend Eva? Well she saw me one with you guys and then tried to be friends with me and come to our house all the time."
"What? for real? she was so nice I had no idea."
"I know Lando, that why I didn't want anyone to know that we are friends "
"I don't know what to say y/n.
What are you going to tell the girls tomorrow?"
"I will tell them the truth and we will see how it goes."
"Ok so we are fine now?"
"Yes I think so"
You said but inside you still felt like you were mad at him and mad at max.
"Good, so that means you're staying in here tonight right?"
"No I'm still going to sleep with George"
"What? Why? I don't understand!"
"What? Y/n?! What the actual fuck? For real?"
"But you can't tell anyone. and I mean anyone!"
"Ok y/n"
"So yesterday I went to his room after your kissing lesson in here and then then we went to dinner with Alex and Lily and came back to his room and talk for a bit and then he kissed me and told me that he really likes me."
"Wow I had no idea"
"So do I"
"And what did you say to him?"
"I said that I really like him too."
"Oh well that nice for you having a nice boyfriend."
"Yes after Bryce"
Lando phone rings
~Emma ❤️ ~
"How is it y/n?"
"It's Emma well have fun I'm at George room!"
Just let me talk to her and we will finish our conversation!"
"Bye Lando good night buddy."
But you already left you run with your stuff to George room.

You knock on the door.
"Who is it it's the middle of the night?"
"Georgee it's..."
You start crying.
George open the door and hugged you.
"Hey babe it's okay, you are ok, what happened?"
״just Lando and max being annoying "
"What did max do?"
He drive me to the pool today and then come pick me up but instead texting me and stay outside he came inside and all the girl were all over him. and then I asked I'm why he came inside and he got mad at me."
"Why would he give you a ride? I could take you."
"Yes I know, I was planning to walk there but he was there in the morning and asked if i wanted a ride it was 5 ."
"I will take you!"
"Ok ok relax George"
"And also came I please sleep here today?"
"Off course babe"
He gave you a quick kiss and you went to change into your pj.
"George where is your toothpaste?"
"It's next to the drawer"
"Thank you"
You finish getting ready for bed and jump to the bed next to George.
You both lay down and look at up.
"So y/n remember our conversation from yesterday?"
Fuck you totally forgot about it!
"Of course"
So I thought about it and there is something I wanted to ask you."
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

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