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It was almost the time for George to start get ready for the qualifying and you both set inside his driver's room.
"George shouldn't you start get ready for qualifying?"
You pulled away from his lips.
"What time is it?"
You checked your watch.
"You have about an hour and a half."
"Then we have more then enough time.
Now where were we?"
We said and quickly got back to kissing you.
He slowly took down your top.
"Georgie you lock the the door right?"
You said between kisses.
He moan in agreement.
You both got into a passion make out session.
"So George and y/n what do you..."
Lando Alex and Charles got into George room without knocking.
"George you said you locked the door!"
George grab his t-shirt and quickly put over your neck.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry, why do you guys never knock?"
You fixed the shirt that George gave you and your hair.
"Why do you guys make out everywhere?"
Lando asked you and George.
"What? We really don't..."
Alex said and Charles nob in agreement.
"Bye you guys that was lovely to see you."
George got up from the Sofa shirtless and dregs the boys out.
"You heard Lando say to George that you shouldn't make out before quali but George came back in really quick.
He ran to the sofa and got on top of you.
"Oh come on they killed the vibe didn't they?"
"Yes But you should start getting ready for quali babe."
He gave you one last kiss and got up.

You were sitting in George garage watching the qualifying session.
You watch George drive fantastic from Q1 to Q2 and everyone were waiting to find out if George made it to Q3.
"And George Russel make it into Q3 !
what a great job by the Williams today!"
You heard from the tv, and then the whole Williams crew shouting from the garage.
"Yes boys we did it."
"What a fantastic results!"
And a lot off happy screaming.

George got to start tomorrow race from p8 after doing an amazing job in Q3.
After a long interviews George finally got back to his driver room where you waited for him.
"Omg babe congrats!"
You ran to hug him.
"Hey to you to.
Thank you babe it's was hard but we finally made it."
You let go off him.
"You are the best baby!"
"Listen I'm going to have to go to the Mercedes building for some meeting would you mind going home with Alex? I don't want to keep you here waiting."
"Oh yeah sure I will call him one sec."
George can tell by the look in your eyes that you were disappointed at him for leaving you.
"Alex is not answering his god dam phone I will just go back with Lando."
You were about to walk out mad but George grab your hand gently.
"Stop it y/n don't be mad at me. You know that if I could I would have take you right now home to celebrate our good results"
He said with a Dirty face.
but I have to do this I'm sorry okay I will be there as soon as I can."
Yo smile at him and walk away so you won't and up having sex with him right there right now.

"Lando where are you?"
"Im just on my way out off the Mclaren building finally finished all my interviews, why?"
"Can you give me a ride home?"
"Sure where are you?"
"Im right now passing the Ferrari building, oh hi Charles."
"Y/n just wait there I will be right there."
He said and hang up the phone call.
"Look can you just leave me alone it's been a hard day for me already I don't want to sign anything okay?"
Charles said and turn around to look at you.
"Oh my god y/n I'm so sorry I didn't recognise you."
He said and hugged you.
"No that's fine, what happened to you?"
"I just went back to look for my girlfriend and turned out she was cheating on my with a fucking mechanic."
"Oh god Charles I'm so sorry for you what are you going to do ?"
"I don't know I really can't go back to my hotel room she would be there just trying to get me to take her back and I would probably agree at the end."
"Oh Charles don't worry you can come sleep at our place Emlia had already left so the gusset room is free."
"Oh no y/n thank you so much but I can't just come sleep there plus I don't even have any of my stuff with me."
"Charles don't be like that it's really okay with everyone. By the way I can come with you to your hotel and bring your stuff if you want?"
You said while screeching your neck.
He jumped and hugged you.
"Thank you so much y/n  I would love for you to come with me."
Charles said and you smiled at him.
"Yeah I'm sure you're super nice but I'm really not interested."
Lando came towards us while some group of girls chasing him.
"Y/n they won't go away."
He said and hope you would do something to get him out of the situation.
"Babe is everything okay in here?"
You asked Lando and all the girls got scared and run away.
"Jeez thanks y/n"
Lando spoke.
"So you are ready to go?"
"Actually I'm going with Charles to bring his stuff we are doing a sleepover tonight."
"What how it's race day tomorrow."
"She is kidding Lando I'm just coming to sleep over."
"Oh okay Umm you could have told me that earlier but yeah.."
And before you could say something back he already ran away.
What a wired kid. You thought to your self.
"Let's go."
Charles said and you followed him to his car.

Hey I just wanted to say thank you for ever one of you guys that read, and vote.
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I really appreciate each one of you guys and I would really appreciate if you voted by tapping the star ⭐️ in the bottom

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