A lot of food!

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"Come on one more bite you are not going to eat it anyway"
Charles begged you.
"Well I might want to save it for later... but fine have fun."
"Georgie Charles ate all my food.."
You came and set on his lap.
"That horrible babe you want me to got hit him?"
"Haha very funny, can you just keep some for me after you finish?"
"Sure baby
"So tell me what you think is going to happened in silverstone?"
"I don't won't to brag or anything but I have a very good chance of winning this race."
"How is this called not to brag Max?"
Charles said and everybody lagged.
"I think it's going to be one of the Mercedes cars"
George said and max gave him a weird look.
"George mate you driven for Williams not for Mercedes okay relax ?"
"Agree with Max on that, sorry mate"
Alex agreed with Max and George just gave up and didn't fight with them on it.
"Charles what do you think is going to happened ?"
Pierre asked Charles.
"I don't know but I have a good feeling about this race weekend somethings good is going to happened"
"Yea like what?"
Max annoyingly ask Charles.
"I don't know but maybe a podium or maybe even a win"
"Well I guess you don't need a good luck.
You got this champ!"
"Max stop making fun of Charles it's good to have dreams!"
George made another joke about Charles.
"Haha very funny you guys."
You notice that Charles mood has change through this sentence.
"George stop making fun of Charles."
You whisper into George ear.
"What babe?"
"You heard me Georgie"
"Okay okay relax."

"Hey who want to go to the swimming pool?"
Alex asked everyone.
"I want"
George said
"Me too"
"I want to"
And suddenly everyone wanted to go swimming.
But you didn't feel like going into the pool right now.
"I think I going to leave you guys to have fun alone in the pool alright babe?"
"Umm sure love but what happened suddenly?
Did I do something?"
"No no babe everything fine I'm just really tired and not in the mood for this."
"Oh okay I will walk you upstairs baby"
"Thanks babe."

"So you are sure everything okay because if you want I can stay here with you..."
"No no George go have fun I'm okay I promise."
You hugged him and then he grab you and kissed.
"I think we might have more fun in hare then out
He suddenly said.
"Good bye George."
You pulled out from the passion kiss and he walked out from your room with a smirk on his face.

You decided to put on tv some stupid movie and try to fall asleep.
You change into your favourite Pj and lay down on your
You almost fall asleep but someone start yelling inside.
Oh my god is he for real?
Why does he have to yell everything?
You thought to yourself
You decided to try to ignore the noise and just go to sleep.
And that's was the moment when you break.
You just start crying.
You wipe the tears away and start walking to the video games room.
~knock on the door~
"Who is this?"
Lando yelled from inside.
"It's me Lando"
He unlocked the door and opened it a little bit.
"What? What do you want?"
"I'm just trying to go to sleep and I can't fall asleep with you yelling from the door next to my room.״
"Okay I will try and be more quiet."
He took one step forward and close the door behind him so that the live stream won't hear the conversation.
He put his hands on your shoulders and look  into your eyes.
Have you been crying?"
You took his hand off your shoulders and took a step back.
"Just leave me alone Lando and please be quiet."
He opened his mouth and he was about to say something but you were already gone.

"George! Turn off the lights!"
He turn off the lights and came closer.
"You know everyone is going home already you slept like 3 hour's."
"What? For real? omg what time is it?"
"It's 4 pm"
"Fuck I was supposed to meet up with emlia like 15 minutes ago. I have to go get ready I'm never gonna make it."
"Y/n relax just tell her that you stay with me and my friends and you didn't notice how late it got."
"Ok ok George thank you for waking me up I'm going to take a shower love you."
You kissed him and run to the shower.
"Love you too!"
He yelled after you.

You put on a black dress and got ready to go to but you couldn't find your car keys anywhere.
You went downstairs to look for them.
"I thought you guys were already gone?"
You said after seeing all the boys in the living room playing video games.
Max and Charles both turn around and look at you.
"What? Why you both look at me like that?"
"Noting you look gorgeous in this dress y/n"
"Thank you max"
Charles just turn around and looked back at the video game on the tv.
"George have you see my car keys I can't find it anywhere."
"Lando took it earlier he said it's some kind of a surprise I think."
"What a little fucking... I can't deal with it right now I have to go George can I take you car please?"
"It's not here I left it at my sister for a week remember?"
"Alex?" You asked hooping he will give you his car.
"He is not here he went to Lily house."
Max answered you.
"Then what am I supposed to to I'm so late already."
You hade tears in your eyes and George could hear it in your voice so he turn off the video game and walk over to you and gave you a hug."
"Hey baby don't cry over this stupid thing I will solve it in a minute okay?"
You whipped the tears away and look up to George.
"You can take my car y/n"
Charles from the sofa.
For real? Thank you so much Charles."
You run to gave him a hug.
"Okay but I'm like really late so can you show me which car is your and I will be on my way."
You both got out of the living room and start walking to his car
"I got a Ferrari but it's a hard car to drive you sure it will be okay for you?"
"It's fine I know how to drive in a Ferrari Charles."
"How come?"
"I have an Ferrari 488 pista."
"Ohh that a nice car! I have the Sam one at home but a different design I wil give you a ride next time you in Monaco. Call me!"
He showed you his car and hand you the keys.
"Have fun!"
"Thank you!"

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