Dinner time!

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You Lando and Max were at your favourite Italian restaurant telling stories about your ex boyfriend's.
"Oh oh Lando remember that time when I was back from some party with some guy and I thought you all were sleeping and then you all waited for me up and playing video games and then we and up playing with you and not going to my room?"
"Yeah it was pretty funny you set there with a mad face while the boy was having a time of his  life with 2 formula 1 drivers."
"What do you mean why you were only two?"
Max asked Lando
"Because George got so angry for you for bringing a one night stand home so he drive all the way to his ex just to bring her home to make y/n jealous."
"What? For real? I had no idea."
"Yea he was so mad so he brought his annoying ex."
"I think we didn't even slept together at the end of the day."

"I ate so much wow"
You and max ate to much food and Lando didn't ate that much.
"Let my pay and then we can go home okay?"
Lando said to both you and Max.
"Here is my credit card"
You offered to Lando but he refused to accept it.
"Y/n dinner on me come on"
"Lando let me pay I ordered a lot more then you did"
You insist.
"Come on we haven't done this in a really long time and I also was acting like a jerk to you lately so let my as a gift?"
You were so surprised.
Did Lando Norris actually just apologise?
"Fine but you also got to pay for Max"
"I was planning on doing that"
He said
"You really don't have too Lando..."
Max interrupt you two.
"Shut it max if he want to let him."
Lando payed with his card and you all went to Max's car.

You fall asleep at the back of the car while Max drove and Lando set in the passenger seat.
"Y/n wake up we here"
Lando slowly woke you up.
"Mmm what?"
"We arrived"
"Oh wow I was so tired sorry for fulling asleep in your car Max"
"No problem y/n hope you had a great time at dinner!"
Max said and got inside the house so you and Lando stay alone outside.
You both set on the stairs outside

You both set on the stairs outside

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<<<this is how I imagine their house maybe even bigger with a gate infront and then place to park all of their car's instead of the grass and then their stairs and the door

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<<<this is how I imagine their house maybe even bigger with a gate infront and then place to park all of their car's instead of the grass and then their stairs and the door.
In the back yard they have a large grass field and a pool like the photo. >>>

"I just wanted to say that I have being acting like a jerk to you lately and we fight a lot and I want to solve it, together ."
"I don't know what to say"
You just gave him a hug.
"Now let's go inside it's getting late.״
"How about watching a movie?"
"I might fall asleep in the middle."
"If you would fall asleep I will take you to bed. All right?"
He was being so nice.
You both got inside your house and went to the living room.
"Well Max if you were such a dick then I could talk to her!"
"Dude it's not my fault it's your girlfriend not my girlfriend."
Max and George Stand in the middle of the living room fighting and yelling at each other.
They didn't notice you and Lando stepping in.
"You cannot tell my you don't want her Max I can see how you look at her"
"Then I don't think you eyes are working that well, and we can see it on your performance on the race day's."
Oh good, Max toke It too far.
George was going to hit him but you and Lando step inside the room so they can notice you.
"George don't even think about it! And Max! What the fuck? You don't go around here and insulting people okay? Now get up and go to your room everyone!"
You yelled at everyone.
"Y/n can we talk?"
George step closer to you.
Max went upstairs angrily.
He looked you right in the eyes.
"Lando let's watch the movie in your room so pick a movie and I will talk to George for a few minutes ok?"
"Ok I'm gonna go now"
"Y/n listen to me... "
"No George you have five minutes to say whatever you want ."
"Umm I'm not really sure what to say.
Emma ask if she could change in my room because Lando was sleeping in his room and before even giving me time to answer she already started and I immediately turned around. I really don't get why you got so upset it's really wasn't anything and if someone should be mad it's me, your the one that hung out with Max all the time and you literally was all over him at the pool this morning and then we fight and you go to dinner with him? Like what the actual fuck!"
He fucking kidding me?
"George your so stupid, for real I was close to max because I wanted to make you jealous and to give my a little attention instead of giving attention to that bitch..."
""What? You could have said something y/n! Your not like this."
"And I went to dinner with Max and my best friend Lando!"
You almost start crying but you managed to hold it
"Look y/n I'm sorry okay? Let's just go back to where things were before all right?"

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