Lover Boy

486 22 24

2 weeks later

Addison's POV

it's been two weeks since Bryce came back to my life and entered Bella's life. At the moment we're at Bryces place, seeing Bella's smile when she's with Bryce warms my heart it truly is the cutest thing ever.

"and we're back little miss," Bryce said as he & Bella entered the room, Bella was on Bryces shoulders but he then puts her back on the ground 

"I'm not little I'm a big girl," Bella 

"no you're a little princess," Bryce 

"so I can't have a boyfriend yet," I laughed hearing Bella say this 

"no you can't you're too young to have a boyfriend," Bryce 

"you & mommy are boyfriend & girlfriend," Bella 

"but we're adults," Bryce 

"& we're not boyfriend & girlfriend," Addison 

"yet," Bryce 

"keep dreaming lover boy," Addison 

"than how are you my mommy & daddy if you're not girlfriend & boyfriend ???" Bella 

"because we WERE girlfriend & boyfriend & I got pregnant with you while I was with your daddy," when I said the last part of my sentence Bryce let out a smirk 

"oh, what did daddy do why'd you two stop being girlfriend & boyfriend ???" Bella

"why are you assuming that I did something ???" Bryce 

"because boys are dumb," Bella 

"yes principessa they truly are," Addison 

"wow Addison," Bryce said and I stuck my tongue out at him

"how do babies happen ???" Bella said as she sat next to me

"Walmart runs out of condoms," Bryce 

"BRYCE," Addison 

"whats a condom ???" Bella 

"uhhhh its nothing principessa daddy's being silly," After I say this I get a text from Nessa


Where are you, I'm worried you said you'd come back today ??? I miss you and Bella :(

"shoot," Addison 

"whats wrong ???" Bryce 

"Nessa, I promised her I'd go back today she's worried," Addison 

"worried ??? let me guess you haven't told her I'm back in your life," Bryce 

"yeah I don't want her to be upset with me because I'm here with the person she most hates," Addison 

"she can't hate me that much," Bryce 

"oh yes she can & does, you didn't tell her about the Hall's & because of you Josh is no longer in her life," Addison 

"I still don't think she should hate me," Bryce 

"you're unbelievable," Addison 

"I truly am aren't I," Bryce 

"we're going back home ???" Bella 

"yes principessa your aunties miss you," Addison 

"when we leaving ???," Bella 

"right now come on principessa we're going home" Addison 

"ok fine," Bella replied she stood up and went over to Bryce and he picked her up 

"bye bye daddy I'm going to miss you," Bella 

"I'm going to miss you too princess, I love you behave ok," He then placed a few kisses on Bella's cheek and then put her back down and she went over to me

"I love you too daddy," Bella 

"bye lover boy," Addison 

"bye adds," Bryce said & I smiled 

Bella & I left Bryce's place & went back to our place. Once we got there Nessa & Tessa were in the living room once we got there they hugged both of us VERY tight. Bella went into her playroom & started playing while I talked to Nessa & Tessa in the living room.

(can you tell I like writing in Addison's POV) 

"where were you two you haven't been staying here the last few days whats up ???" Nessa

"yeah addi we were worried," Tessa

"we were staying at Bryces place," when I said this Tessa looked at me with shock & Nessa looked at me disappointed 

"after everything you're really just letting him back in your life ??? This won't end well you'll end up hurt & I won't be there for you I can't because I warned you but you never listen. Bryce kept a huge secret he'll continue to hide secrets and you'll be broken once again when you discover another one of his secrets," Nessa then went upstairs into her bedroom & slammed the door

"I fucked up," Addison 

"no adds you didn't Bryce is Bella's father & he'll change he will for you & Bella I know it. Ness is upset just give her time to cool down everything will be ok," Tessa said as she gave me a hug 

"thank you Tess," Addison 

"no problem I've always got you bebe," Tessa


"when do you want him gone sir ???," Jaden 

"by tonight," Bryce 

"do we bring his body here once he's dead or do we hide it in the forest ???" Jaden 

"bring his body here," Bryce 

"yes sir, we'll inform you once he's eliminated," Jaden 

"thank you Jaden," Bryce replied & Jaden left 

"enjoy your last breaths Josh Rider Richards, soon the only powerful mafia will be the Hall's," Bryce 

Hope you're enjoying the story, I love ya'll comment "gone," for more 

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