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Josh POV 

They're here. Seem's like Bryce didn't come alone he has Blake Gray, Quinton Hall and, Noah Beck by his side. It's 4 of them against a whole army. I knew that sooner or later Bryce would realize that his wife didn't actually die. Though in my plan my father, Monty Richards was never meant to die oops looks like he did die, tough luck. I hated the man anyway. Addison Rae Hall my beloved younger sister I'd never kill her and I won't kill her I just needed her to get Bryce and finally destroy him. He thought I was dead but sorry to inform Josh Rider Richards never dies. I'm invincible duh. Looks like Noah is trying to break down the door. Oh he broke it down, guess he finally became useful. Oh right I better go greet the guests.

"If it isn't my favorite group of stupid arse mafia men." I say as I walk down stairs with no care in the world.

"Shut the hell up and give us Addison." Bryce says. 

"Addison ? She's dead isn't she ?" I say. 

"I know she's alive. You have two options here, give her to us at your free will or option number 2 which trust me isn't going to end well for you, buddy." Bryce says approaching Josh. 

"Hmmm you know what I think I'm going to have to go for option 2." I say.

"So death, works for me." Bryce says.

"Its you 4 against us." I say as 15 of my best men come out.

"You have the Hype group working for you ? Guess you're not as smart as what I thought." Bryce says.

"Why are we still talking ? Let's get on with this battle." I say as Vinnie Hacker tosses me a gun.

A battle to death 

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