The Mafia Ball

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Addison POV

We're here, the annual mafia ball hosted by the Hall's. There are hundreds of people here some of the worlds greatest mafia men and women. I'm scared and nervous for sure.

"Why are there so many people here ?" Bella questions as she tightens her grip on Bryce. 

"Well because my family has a lot of friends." Bryce says. 

"Are you ok ness ?" I turn and ask nessa as I sense she's a bit tense. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Nessa says as she holds on to Jaden's hand even tighter.

"You're gonna make the veins in my hand pop, ness." Jaden says as he lets out a chuckle 

"Sorry Jaden." Nessa responds to Jaden. Yes nessa came to the ball with Jaden. Jaden isn't just a guy that works with Bryce he's also one of his closest friends they just don't show it very often. Nessa has known Jaden for quite some time. She's always liked him, they're pretty cute in my opinion. Yes she used to be with my brother but, I could tell she wasn't happy with him. Josh loved nessa he did but nessa didn't love him she just really cared for him. She agreed to date him because at the time she needed a distraction. It may sound selfish but I completely understand her. 

"I've been coming to this ball every year since I married Quinton and trust me ness, a lot of people here are tense." Cynthia says giving nessa a reassuring smile. 

"I don't force you to come, dear wife of mine." Quinton whispers in Cynthia's ear. 

"You don't but I'd never miss the chance to wear an expensive ass dress." Cynthia whispers back in his ear. 

"Adds, isn't that Loren ?" Tessa says as she looks at me. Crap that is Loren, fuck. 

"Uh yeah I think it is." I say. 

"You should go talk to her." Bryce suggests. 

"Baby, I don't think that's a good idea. I haven't talked to her in a long time." I respond.

"Love, I know but you should do it. I'm sure she's missed you." Bryce says with a smile.

"Ok fine. Don't let Bella out of your sight alright ?" I say.

"I promise I won't let her out of my sight." Bryce responds.

"Principessa, I'll be back ok ? I just have to go talk to someone." I say as a place a kiss on Bella's forehead. 

"Ok mommy." Bella responds. I then walk over to Loren. Once she looks me in the eyes she immediately hugged me. I've definitely missed my younger sister. We used to be inseparable. Everyday after dinner we'd always go to my room and talk to each other about what we hoped our future would look like. We'd laugh together smile together and sometimes even cry together. We'd stay up for hours, what a time. 

"Addi, I-It's really you." Loren says as a tear escapes her eyes.

"Hey Loren, I've missed you." I say as a tear escapes my eyes.

"I'm so sorry we never told you about the Richards. Josh and I really wanted to bu-but Sheri and Monty never allowed us to." Loren says.

"It's ok Loren." I respond. 

"I'm so happy you're ok. Where have you been ? How did you get here ?" Loren says.

"Ummm about that. Loren when I left I was pregnant and, I was living with nessa and tessa but now I-um I-I live with Bryce now. That's how I got here I came with Bryce." I say. 

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