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Bryces POV

"Daddy I'm scared. What if he doesn't like me ?" Bella says with a hint of fear in her voice. I'm allowing my father to meet Bella. I don't think he'd hurt her after all she is his granddaughter. 

"Baby, are you sure it's safe to introduce Bella to your father ?" Addison questions.

"Love, I'm sure it's safe. He wouldn't hurt his granddaughter." I say. Though to be honest now that I think about it my father does hurt his family. He killed my mother and after that he'd abuse Janessa. Quinton and I tried to stop him from killing our mother but it was hopeless. Then when he'd abuse Janessa we'd also try and stop him but again it was hopeless. Luckily ness survived after everything. I won't let him hurt Bella, I won't. 

"You two are allowing Don, Marcos to meet Bella ? Cynthia says as we reach the bottom of the stair case that leads down to the kitchen. 

"Yeah we are." I say. 

"I'll come with you two. After all I haven't talked to father in quite some time." Quinton says. 

"I'll come too, you know as a helpful company." Cynthia says as she takes Bella from my arms. 

(Alright alright now ya'll have to imagine Bryce Addison Cynthia and Quinton walking out of the kitchen to where Don, Marcos is at. Imagine them walking in a bad ass way like the sexiest walk ever. That's it, shall we continue.) 

"Addison Rae Richards, long time no see don't you think ?" Don, Marcos says with an evil grin. 

"It has been a long time Don, Marcos. Six years to be exact." Addison says with a polite smile. 

"So how are the Richards ? Your father, mother, sister, brother ?" He once again gives an evil grin when referring to Addison's brother, Josh. Yes my father knows I killed Josh, he's just doing this because he's well an utter bastard.

"I don't know how they're doing, I've lost communication with my family." Addison says in more of a light tone.

"Well you'll see them at the annual mafia ball. They finally excepted my invitation." Don, Marcos. God I hate my father. This ball will be a blood fest. Hall's and Richard's in the same room ? That is definitely not a good sign, must mean the world is coming to an end.

"I'm not sure I'll be attending the ball." Addison says 

"Correct you're a mother so you have responsibility's. Where's the kid ?" Don, Marcos 

"Cynthia." I say (ok ok so Bryce and Addison were like in the front I guess you could say and behind them there's Quinton and then at Quintons side there's Cynthia with Bella in her arms. Thats that explanation moving on now) Cynthia then gives Bella back to me and she hides her head in the crook of my neck. She's definitely scared.

"Princess don't be scared, you'll be alright. I just want you to meet someone." I say. She then looks up at me and I give her a reassuring smile. 

"Bella meet my father, Marcos." I tell her as she then turns and faces my father. 

"Hi. I'm Bella." Bella says shyly. 

"Hello Bella. It's really nice to finally meet you." My father then gives a slight smile. HE FUCKING SMILED THE HELL !!!! My father has never smiled and when I say never I mean NEVER. 

"So you're my daddy's dad ?" Bella says trying to make conversation with my father. 

"I am. I'm also Quintons father." My father says. 

"And you're auntie nessa's dad right ?" Bella questions. Let's see how my father answers that question. He's never considered nessa as his daughter, in his mind she's more of a worthless animal that you pick up from the streets. (I LOVE NESSA SO YALL DONT GET MAD.)  

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