5. The Library.

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The snow had died down, welcoming you back to Hogwarts.

The sun was starting to rest, it's head poking from the roofs of the shops. Everything had dimmed down, everyone had calmed down from a busy day. It was now quiet time.

You trudged into hogwarts, your clothes had been embraced warmly by the castle, causing the snow to melt off. This left puddles on your trail.

You went back to your common room, going upstairs to change.

Putting on a jumper and comfy bottoms, you headed to the library.


Making some quick turns, you entered the library and found yourself cosying up in an armchair by the window.

You flicked through some books before taking out one you brought from home. (It can be a comic, manga, whatever)

Holding the book fondly in your hands, you turned it over. You examined the blurb, before opening it up and letting your fingers glide onto the page.

It was a nostalgic feeling, it was home.

Hogwarts has long terms, so there's not much family time unless you send owls.

You missed your room, your own bed and all the smells. You never realised how much you missed it until it was gone.

After today, you were exhausted. The warmth had softened you up, cradling you to sleep in the chair.

You dozed off silently, leaning back into the armchair.

Oliver's P.O.V :

Quidditch had been cancelled for the whole year, I didn't really know what to do with myself rather than look at my broom longingly.

I'd been wandering around the castle after changing from my outside clothes.

Bathrooms, classrooms and the library.

Oh. The library.

I popped in for a quick checkup on the quidditch shelves, it was nice to rearrange them constantly until it looked right.

I looked around, checking each bookcase for anything helpful. My O.W.L.s were coming up soon.

Then I saw them; Y/n sleeping in an armchair.

I let out a sigh, they look so calm.

I pulled a book out from the shelf in front of me. I didn't care what it was; I wanted an excuse to sit with them.

I looked around hastily, before leaning back on the desk next to them.

Slowly flicking through my book, I'd steal a couple glances of them.

Is this wrong? Should I wake them up?

I bit my lip, weighing my options.

It didn't really matter, I could just say I didn't know.


Oliver leaned on the bookshelf, reading his book as he would look back up to check on you.

It was getting late, he was getting nervous.

He glanced around, before putting a hand on your shoulder and shaking it. A bit too hard.

It scared the soul out of you.

"WHO'S THERE?" you sprang out of your seat, whipping your head around.

"Er.. Me?" he smiled awkwardly.

"Oliver, you git! You couldn't think of another way to wake me up?" you mimicked him, putting a heavy hand on his shoulder and shaking him HARD.

"OW- OW! I'm sorry! I'm heavy handed.." he muttered.

"Watch yourself next time; I was peacefully sleeping and you decide to awaken my ancestors?!"

"Let's just to my common room.."


You both trudged back to the Gryffindor common room, approaching the fat lady with a stitch in your side.

"Mistletoe." Oliver chuckled at the name as the portrait swung open, revealing the tunnel into the fluorescent red cloths that covered the tower.

"Mistletoe? Already in the Christmas spirit?" you smiled.

"Yeah, everyone's decided to decorate the common room for the season this year. Since there's no quidditch banners.."

You slumped into an armchair, your gaze fixed onto him.

"How's quidditch?" a smirk crept up your face, seeing his brows furrow.

"It's not funny." he frowned, heaving a sigh.

"I haven't been able to mount my broom since the holidays! It's collecting dust in my case!" Oliver whined, throwing himself back into an armchair next to you.

He sunk into the deep velvet miserably, glancing back at you. "Don't laugh!"

"I'm not laughing- hey!" you hastily hit a pillow away from you.

You both settled down, only your faint breathing could be heard.

"I think I'm going to go to bed now, get a head start.." Oliver got up.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." he smiled, "We've got herbology tomorrow, you'll see me there."

"Alright, goodnight." you bid him goodbye.

In the boys dorm, Oliver sat on his bed, blushing to himself. He'd never felt like this before, he felt quite flustered. It never occurred to him to see you like that.

It was a flood of emotions. He put on his comfiest jersey, laying back to think. It was hard really grasping his emotions - they felt so simple yet so complex, it felt wrong to crush on you. What if you didn't feel the same?


Hey everyone, I didn't really know what to do with this chapter. I wanted to leave it here because it wasn't really getting anywhere, I just wanted a bit of cute Oliver.

Sorry it took awhile, I got a bit ill and yeah. I was thinking about making a new Oliver book with a more rivalry aspect to it if you're interested.

Christmas at hogwarts - Oliver Wood Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora