3. Hogsmeade

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Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for not writing in awhile, school has been taking most of my time. <3

(editing) just finished the first two chapters, I may write a late but new Halloween special :)


Hogsmeade trips had finally come around, meaning a break from the crazy tournament and quite a lot of snow.

If you could spot the castle from Hogsmeade it'd look like the building has been tucked into a big fluffy blanket made of the purest snow. The ceiling in the great hall had become a small shower of snowflakes, it seems there was always a perfect winter at Hogwarts.

You'd made your way down Hogwarts' chilly fields, taking a walk to admire the Winter Wonderland before leaving for the day. The calm atmosphere paired with delicate snowflakes falling from the sky really proved how pretty winter could be.

I didn't realise snow could look THIS good you thought.

It seems another student had thought of the same idea - Luna Lovegood.

It wasn't a surprise to see her wandering about the school grounds, usually missing her shoes and/or wearing a funky accessory for the trek.

"Oh, hello y/n." she turned to you, her dreamy voice becoming your main centre of attention.

"Hey, Luna." you smiled at her, she's always been a soft soul to you, it was only right to treat her nicely.

"It's not much of a good season for nargles, they can't handle the cold too well. That's why they're hiding in all the classrooms and we're not able to concentrate, our minds go all fuzzy."

Nargles. She has a point.

"Well, do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?" You were always be nice to Luna, she was the smartest girl to you - apart from Hermione. Just in different ways.

"No thanks, I've got to find my shoes, they're always being stolen."


Hogsmeade had been engulfed in snow throughout the night, as witches and wizards struggled to look through the frosted shop windows. Little groups huddled up, layered in warm clothes to hide away from the cold, a special group of carollers were travelling around, singing the classics.

Heading towards The Three Broomsticks, you spotted the Weasley twins eyeing Zonko's joke shop windows, playing with coins in their hands.

"What're you two up to?" you grinned, standing in between them.

"Oh look, if it isn't y/n." Fred grinned back at you, resting an arm on your shoulder.

"We're using our clever investments to spice up Potions class." George added, smiling smugly.

"Good luck on your mischievous plans." you bid them goodbye and continued your trek throughout the town.

You'd reached Hogsmeade, already hearing the bustling crowd inside, you opened the door.

Stepping into the pub, the snow was immediately thawed and replaced by a warm atmosphere, the distinct smell of butterbeer wafting through the air.

It was stuffy and packed with figures. You could barely hear your thoughts over the chatter. Madam Rosemerta seemed to be busy with many customers asking for a drink, one of which you recognised by his big build and shaggy beard - Hagrid, the Hogwarts gamekeeper.

You narrowly avoided him, Hagrid was very kind but quite loud and it was already noisy enough in here.

Squashing through the crowd, you looked for any vacated tables which you could occupy.

There was one last table, right in a secluded corner of the pub.

Rushing to claim it, you quickly squeezed into a seat. Taking a deep breath you realised you weren't alone.

Cedric Diggory. 7th year Hufflepuff, triwizard competitor and one of the most famous boys in school. He was genuinely sweet, charming and quite handsome.

He was generally good at keeping relationships, but people tend to spread rumours about him. Right now he's dating Cho Chang, a pretty Ravenclaw girl. You've heard they're going to the Yule Ball together.

"Hey, Y/N." he smiled. Cedric was attractive but he wasn't single and you weren't going to be a homewrecker. Besides, you had other plans obviously. (🙄)

"Oh, hey Cedric. How's Cho?"

"I'm just waiting for her to come back with our butterbeer, it was her turn to plan a date. It's cute, honestly." he added.

"Should I move so when she comes?"

"No no, sit down it's fine." Cedric chuckled.

It took a few moments but he broke the ice.

"What do you think about Oliver Wood?" he asked, a playful smile forming.

That was a simple question. But the answer felt more complicated than that.

"Why do you ask?"

"Rumours." he looked around for Cho.

Cedric winked at you, "Oh, Cho's coming back now you'd better get out of her seat- Hey Cho!" he waved to her, she was carrying a small tray of two butterbeers.

Cho noticed his wave and made her way to their table.

"Hi Cho."

"Oh, hey Y/N!" She did a little wave.

"I'll leave you two with your butter beers." You muttered, getting up from the table and managing to push your way out the three broomsticks through the heavy crowd.

He didn't explain what 'Rumours' meant.

It had gotten much more foggy and the snow much more thicker. You'd decided it'd be best to head back to the castle.

Along your way across the bridge Professor Flitwick stopped you. His short stature did stop you seeing him at first though.

"Y/N, you and all other students here cannot leave Hogsmeade!" he squeaked. "The snow has caused paths to be blocked up and nobody can get through! Please stay here while teachers sort this out!"

Well what in Merlin's beard do you do now?


Hi everyone again! I really tried to make this chapter worth the wait and longer! I'm really sorry for the long wait, there's so much school on my mind. Also it's nearly Christmas, I hope you all have a lovely Holidays! <3

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