2. The Preparation

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It was the morning after you snuck out with Oliver, you'd eaten some breakfast and headed to Transfiguration class before lining up outside the entrance.

There was lively chatter among the students, the first task had become big news and the Weasley twins had made coin from all the bets, it was quite magical.

Finally the door was let open, all the third years and over  entered into a now empty classroom, the ceiling stretched up continously, seeing no end. It was a bit odd to see the class so empty.

Professor McGonagall stood in the centre while everyone picked seats to the side, mostly groups with their chairs turned to each other, chattering away.

She cleared her throat, giving a stern look all around to gain their attention, "Now everyone, you may happen to hear about the Yule Ball, which is going to be happening on December 25th."

Some turned their heads to listen, others paused and concentrated on her voice.

"This is a chance to associate with the other wizarding schools, and... Let our hair down." she added stiffly, her mouth pursed tightly.

Two girls nearby you - Lavender Brown and Paravati - giggled, nudging each other. Pointing out small new features in the room, including a record player and tiny Christmas tree, adorned with traditional wizard collectibles.

"As it is tradition, we shall be learning how to ballroom dance. If you understand how to; I request that you practice for the upcoming event."

Professor McGonagall looked around the room carefully, her eyes scanned one student to another.

She paused, seeming to have found her victim, "Ah, Weasley, come up to the front." she waved a hand at him.

Ron had been slumped in his seat, his shaggy hair hanging in front of his face. He'd been murmuring to Harry. Ron didn't protest but his brows furrowed and he frowned.

He got up slowly, as if to waste his time, approaching McGonagall gingerly.

"Now, put your hand on my waist."

This time he did protest, "What-"

"Weasley, I don't have all day."

He did as he was told, reluctant to even get near the professor.

She waved her wand at the record player gently, as music began to play.

Noticeable remarks could be seen across the classroom, especially from the Wesley twins. They danced around themselves jokingly, mocking Ron's movements. A sudden wolf whistle could be heard.

Harry had to cough violently into his cast to hide his uncontrollable laughter.

"Now everyone, as you've seen my example - partner up and learn the dance by the 25th."

Mixed reactions came from the crowd, some seemed to be excited at the thought of twirling around gracefully; Others weren't as energetic.

You took a quick scan of the room, stopping when seeing Oliver Wood grinning back at you.

Some seemed to be dragged around the dance floor, guided forcefully by their partner.

You made your way over to Oliver, smiling, "Okay, so put your hand on my waist and we can start."

He chuckled, his freckles much more noticeable now after being so close.

"Alright, alright." he rested his hand on your waist, maintaining a soft grip. His hand was comfortable and felt right in place, fitting for a captain.

You linked hands with him. His hand felt rough and calloused but were also quite warm, his fingers intertwining with yours.


Surprisingly it wasn't very enjoyable.

Even as a coordinated captain, he wasn't very fitting on the dance floor.

He would accidentally step on your feet, or try to lead the dance but fail miserably. His hand may slip down your waist on accident, causing him to hastily slide it back up.

"Ow- OW! I thought you'd be good at this!" you whispered, a slight whine in your voice.

"Well- erm.. No, not exactly. Dancing isn't something I'm used to." he shuffled awkwardly.

It's true; even when celebrating quidditch he didn't dance, just cheer and drink the smuggled butterbeer from Hogsmeade. Maybe when drunk he'll do a wonky move but honestly he's never been spotted genuinely dancing.

"Yeah, I think this really proved it." you retorted.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" he leaned in.

You sighed, tilting towards his ear and whispering, "What I mean is that your date will surely be lucky."

It's true, you were planning to be the date.

You found that too much of ballroom dancing caused too much pain for your feet and it had gotten way too boring after the first 10 minutes. It was all too much.

"Everyone, you may leave now for your next class or free period. Be sure to practice." McGonagall's voice rang out as the kids dashed faster to leave, squeezing through the door desperately.

You waited for the shoving to calm down, you wanted a comfortable trip to your Charms class.

On the way out, Oliver whispered in your ear, "I'll be practicing all night, wish me luck."


I made the chapter longer this time, very happy how it came out! Hopefully the next chapter will be published soon, love you all and I hope you're enjoying the story xx

Christmas at hogwarts - Oliver Wood Where stories live. Discover now