1. Sneaking Around

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"Ow! Oliver that's my foot!"

"I can't bloody see, Y/N. Why are we out here anyways?"

It was pitch black in the castle that night, except for dimly lit lanterns mounted on the corridor walls.

You'd thought of a brilliant idea to sneak out with Oliver Wood.

God it was a shit idea.

Sneaking around the castle was hard enough with Filch and his cat Mrs Norris on the loose, but boy did Oliver get on your nerves.

He kept stepping on your feet and almost got you both caught. Oliver wasn't nearly as skilled as the two mischief makers in Hogwarts - the Weasley twins.

"You didn't answer my question." he muttered, his Scottish accent breaking the eerie silence.

"If you speak one more time I swear to Merlin-" you hissed, raising a finger at him.

A sudden clatter was heard, followed by a bang and cackling.

"Peeves." you turned your head to him, meeting his cautious glare.

Shit was your instant thought.

"Merlin's- Oliver we need to go!" you grabbed his wrist.

"Alright, alright. Let's hurry before Filch finds us." you heard him chuckle, as you pulled him through the corridor.

It was a mad rush, you'd never know if there could be a ghost or Mrs Norris around the corner. It was hard maintaining stamina when you were climbing up the moving staircase frantically.

Oliver, however, obviously had the stamina of a quidditch obsessed captain, he rushed up the stairs, his knees almost touching his chest.

Both of your panicked movements and panting was one of the only things to be heard throughout the deserted school.

It could be called a ghost town, but there already was Ghosts roaming the halls.

You spotted the Gryffindor common room up ahead, "Oliver, Oliver! Let's stop here." you whispered breathlessly, feeling your beating chest with a weak hand.

Panting and clutching your ribs, you nudged Oliver for the password. He made a face back at you before gasping, "P-Pigs snout."

"YOU are back quite late, young man!" The Fat Lady commented,  eyeing Oliver before swinging open the portrait.

You clambered through the passage to the common room before sinking into a red velvet sofa by the fireplace. The Gryffindor tower was silent except for the crackling made by the warmth of the fire.

You weren't actually a Gryffindor, but students would be able to let other houses in their common rooms, so it wasn't like spying for the enemy.

Oliver immediately sat himself down, sinking into the armchair. He laid his head back, trying to regain his breath.

He finally exhaled deeply, his head lolling onto his shoulder to face you.

"What- what were we doing anyway?.."

"Do you have to know?" you sighed.

"Well I've been dragged out in my PJs, I'd like to know something."

You paused, muttering "I just wanted to hang out with you really, sneaking around the castle seems fun so I decided to invite you."

A small smirk appeared on his lips, he eyed you, "Well, now you've learned sneaking isn't a specialty of mine."

Sitting there in silence, with only gentle breathing to be heard. The sun had started to rise from its slumber, gently shining through the windows.

"I'm going to head to bed, g'night." he got up, smiling at you before heading up the stone staircase.



Sorry for the short chapter, I made this like half asleep. Next chapter I'll try and make it longer.

Love you all and I hope you're enjoying the story xx

(edit) just went through it a bit, leave some comments and tell me how you're feeling about it.

Christmas at hogwarts - Oliver Wood Where stories live. Discover now