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right don't freak out
but I thought I'd warn you before we meet up
I seem to have obtained another black eye 😬

I'm sorry what?

awh shit a brick
wrong person again
sorry just ignore that lol

no how tf did you manage to get a black eye?

it's nothing dw about it

is it that fucking bully?

I said don't worry about it it's fine

no it's not hui

I get that you don't wanna talk about it and you don't wanna worry me or whatever but I'm just gonna keep worrying if you don't give me some kind of explanation

I mean you literally just admitted that this isn't the first black eye they've given you

and how do you know it was a someone that gave me the black eye?

hui I'm not stupid

alright fine
if you're so EAGER to know
for the past two years I've been getting bullied by three guys at my school, both verbally and physically
is that what you wanted to hear?

of course it's not something I want to hear but I just wanted to know

why do they bully you?

idk man
the same reason any bully decides to bully anyone
I guess they just saw me as an easy target

why didn't you tell me?

because its not a big deal

what do you mean "not a big deal" you have a black eye because of them ffs

omg not you too
I don't like people worrying about me that's all
I can handle myself
I lost my brother because he worried too much about our families situation so I don't bother people with my problems, that way it won't cause them problems
it's not that hard of a concept to grasp

look I'm sorry if I made you feel pressured or forced into telling me what's going on but I'd much rather know than be completely oblivious

I'm only looking out for you

yh I'm sorry I snapped
it's just
this kida stuff frustrates me

yeah, imaginably so lol

I'm sorry they hurt you even once nevermind over the past 5 years, if they really knew you then they wouldn't dare to lay a finger on you

Trust me I don't think that'd make much of a difference lol

just remember I'm always here for you, whether it's to talk or to fuck some scumbags up :)

haha thanks
I'll keep that in mind :)

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