Hyperion Kingdoms

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Cherubim (share-you-bim)
Ruled by a King or Queen. All residents have wings, and those who don't are transferred to their proper place based on their auric power. They are either referred to as "insects" or "birds" based on the type of wing they have. The insignia is two wings, one an insects and the other a birds, and a human shape inside them. The main castle is a giant tree, and the inside is stone.

Elementa (el-em-ent-ah)
Home of the Elements powers. They have different rulers for different powers, and instead of a single monarchy, they have one ruler for each power. The main crystal castle, has different colored stone towers for each of the different rulers. Insignia is each element in a bubble, connected by a small line.

Subcinctus (sub-sink-tus)
Home of the Shifters, which have the power to change their appearances to look like someone different. Ruled by a King and Queen. The palace is unreflective, because most Shifters are vain and hate their reflections that show their true selves. Insignia is a body, half child and half adult, (only shape).

Erantci (a-raunt-ci)
Home of the animal shapeshifters. Most animagus can shift into one or more animals, but the easiest is their spirit animal. Ruled by a King and Queen. Main castle is inside a mountain. Insignia is different for each person, usually a type of jewelery depicting their animal.

Cerebellum (sair-e-bell-ume)
Home of the Telepathic and Telekinetics. Referred to as "brains". Ruled by a Telekinetic King and Telepathic Queen. Rose colored stones glow to give the brain-like pink shine. Insignia is a brain and floating objects outside of it.

Deceptionem (de-cept-ion-em)
Home of the illusionists. Ruled by a King and Queen. Main castle has reflective walls, to help produce illusions. Unlike the Shifters, they are not vain and illusions are not affected by them. Insignia is a mirror, to show their reflective of others and show that things are not always as they seem (the upside-down or backwards view of the world).

Other kingdoms outside of Hyperion

The Vampire Coven. Ruled by a King and a Queen, one the heir to the throne and the other a common born Vampire.  Not restricted to any one place, but the royals stay in the palace for fear of death.

The world of the mer-people. Mermaids, mermen, Cecaelia, are a few species known to live in the waters surrounding Hyperion.

A few extra notes
All hypersouls are marked with tattoos on their faces, and the stones or gemstones representing the kingdom they belong to and the one they originate from are implanted on their faces. Ex. A girl from Cherubim undergoes The Changing and is marked as a Erantci. She would get the stones for Cherubim and Erantci implanted.

Veil Gliders is a type of power, but is more common with other powers, hence why there is not a kingdom for it.

Stones that represent each Power and/or kingdom
Emerald=Elementa/earth (metal is included with earth)
Rose quartz=Cerebellum/telepaths/telekinetics
Mica=Veil Gliders
Aluminum=Erantci/speakers of animal languages

Hope you enjoyed the guide! Dm me on Instagram if you want another one on pronounciations-@alexandriasybyl0


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