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It was quiet. My breathing was soft and steady. The room has dim light and a tall figure was next to me. I looked at the figure and thought. It's Kaia's 16th birthday tomorrow. Meaning that it's almost time and she has not progressively shown her characters traits. She's still kind heartened and not at all showing a cruel side to her. My plan is starting and she's still not ready. I suppose my plan can't fail now or my back up won't be ready. I need to start thinking this through more.
*Kaia's Perspective*
I was walking home from school pretty excited for tomorrow. My father said that he had a surprise for me for my birthday party. Yes, a birthday party I know it sounds childish but it seems that no one knows of my birthdays anyways. I started to think of my character and wondered what he would do right now. Hmmm I suppose he would be pretty silent and secretly plotting things. I was about to start acting like my character when I was interrupted by some laughing.

*Unkown Character's Perspective*

The pain was growing and I layed there like a weak and defenseless prey. Their horrid laughters filled my ears as tears filled my eyes. I was gasping for breathe as they kicked my stomach and made more cuts on my body. This isn't any different from home. What is a home? people say it's where you're loved and where you can feel happy. But, what do I feel there that isn't different from now? I heard running footsteps come towards me. More of them? Who cares anyways I could die here and nobody would care. But, they stopped. I opened my eyes and saw a girl standing infront of me. I've seen her before, in the halls, in class or even when she sits alone during lunch.

"Leave him alone he hasn't done anything to you!" She said standing infront of me as the other males laughed.

"oh come on pretty girl just leave him he likes the pain doesn't he? We just decided to make him happy by adding more scars" One of the males said. He was right, why shouldn't they hurt me? I'm a useless piece of crap that can only hate myself. However, the girl looked at them and her posture suddenly changed as she put her hands in her pockets and tilted her head a bit. Her eyes were menacing and they had a cold emotionless gaze.
"I suppose you're correct about that little fact. He does seem to want to feel pain. However, that doesn't give you the right to hurt him now does it? I suppose right now I can kick your asses since you obviously like to do that to helpless prey." She said with a cold and heartless gaze. I've heard she was an actress but I never imagined she was this good.
The boys laughed even harder.
"Aren't you a nice laugh? I don't like hurting chicks but I guess you're asking for it since you obviously just like to talk instead of fight" One of the males said as they started to approach the girl. Except, she didn't budge, or step back, or even change the look on her face she just simply looked at them with no expression. The men started to walk towards her and one of them held her chin up. She stayed still and hardly changed her gaze.
"Although it would be a waste when you have such an innocent face and a pretty nice body too." The male said with a smirk on his face.....Am I jut going to let this happen? Am I really this pathetic that I can watch a girl get raped in front of my eyes? I can't just sit here but what else can I do? I'm pathetic and the voices in my head always screamed it at me... I always get put down by everyone. My parents, my teachers, and now these people... I clutched my fists and stood up slowly with a slight limp. "L-leave her alone.." I managed to say while wiping of my tears and looking at the 2. The girl turned her gaze towards me and showed a small impressed expression. The male smirked and slightly glared at me. One of the other males suddenly moved his arm towards my face ready to punch me. However, when I closed my eyes I heard a slight whimper like one of a harmed dog. It wasn't me and I didn't feel anything either. I opened my eyes and saw the girl standing in front of me while holding the males arm. It was twisted onto his back and he struggled to break free.
Without a change of expression the girl slammed the male onto the ground and stepped on his head as he gasped for air. "How weak of you fools to hurt an injured person...especially when he's outnumbered. You don't have a clue of what kind of emotional pain he feels when he's at home. He feels enough to want to feel actual pain and you idiots just make him feel worst. He has nothing to live for and he's at the edge of the cliff, he's been ready to jump and you want to push him. He's empty and wants to feel whole one day but for now that seems to be out of reach. Who can remember a person that has been put down so many times? That's what goes through his head and that's what you're putting into his mind." She stayed silent but she showed no sign of weakness. No sign of sadness. No sign of lies. This isn't acting. she's a completely different person and I don't know who this person is..
The males stayed silent, the one under her foot was still trying to breathe and the female kicked him in the stomach as his breathing became gasps for air. "You boys are so confusing. One minute you love kicking ass the next minute you can't handle it. " she smirked as the males grew tense and ran off. The one on the ground started crawling away slowly and the girl just watched him with no sign of regret or sympathy. She turned to me and I slightly jumped. Her soulless eyes stared into my eyes.
"Don't be frightened. I won't hurt you. You're going to be useful one day and you shouldn't waste your time harming yourself.." She said as her face started to lighten up and she smiled at me. "Oh no, let's go to my house so we can heal those wounds up for you!" She said suddenly as her eyes and face came back to their usual glow. She helped me stand up and she carried my things for me......

(Hey guys thanks for reading this! I really am happy with the reads and I would like to know if there are any of you that would like to interview some of the characters? If so, leave a comment with a question and favorite please!!)))

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