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-Kaia's Perspective-

Daddy hasn't spoken to me lately have I done something wrong? I hope I didn't upset him or Clare... Well I should probably be heading for school I finally finished my homework after spending most of the night on it. Why do teachers like to torture us anyways? Well maybe they don't want to and they just have to give us so much homework. Wait... Whats my point here?

I arrived at school and walked past the halls. People didn't seem to like me all that much; the only person I've really spoken to was Clare. She doesn't come to school any more, she takes online classes. I sighed and walked to my locker. I tried not to bump into many people, which is really hard since a lot of people don't like me here. Atleast they don't bully me a lot, they just call me small names that I don't really mind. I shut my locker and looked at someone sitting in a corner. They had on a baggy light blue sweater and their nose was stuffed into a manga book? I think that's what they're called anyway. They looked up and I could see some of them. They had big brown cute like eyes and light brown hair. I had trouble debating on whether or not it was a girl or a boy since they had a semi chubby face and they had some boy features while also having female features. I smiled and they tensed up and quickly looked back at their manga.

I shrugged slightly and walked away. Well who needs friends anyways? I'll have more time building up my character and fixing him up more. I checked my schedule to see what I had to do this week. Let's see acting, singing and dance classes every weekday after school,oh and gymnastics, and finishing my homework. Before 12:am wow, pretty clean schedule.

After school I headed for my dance class after having a quick snack. We were learning about notes and having to be creative with things. I tried my best to be creative but apparently it wasn't enough and I couldn't stop being so stiff. I had to keep learning and adding more things to my dance.

I then went to acting class and I had to go over a dramatic scene where my loved one had just passed away. The teacher said I was better than ever and that the only thing I need to practice on was showing the love for the person.

I quickly went to my gym to practice gymnastics but we were repracticing the basics since apparently I couldn't do the higher up kind yet. After I finished my singing classes I got home and had a quick snack and started doing my homework. I finished at 12:35 and I went to bed.
It finally hit the weekend and I was eager to work on my character more. One problem, I had no idea what to do and Daddy is too busy to help me. I sighed and rolled my pen. I was so bored I kept watching it roll for at least an hour. Hmm I should think of a voice for him shouldn't I? And I should start thinking of his attitude more and more. He seems to be what daddy wanted him to be so I guess that's good but hey, let's make this a work in progress.

(Sorry It's short!!)

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