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"Do you think he'll cause trouble?"

"I can guarantee it."

"Very well, after she's back I'll devi....." My hearing made the voices muffle away. Hm? Who's voices are those? Why does my head feel damp? I feel tired and hungry but all I see is darkness. My mouth is dry and I can't say anything. What's wrong with me? Am I at home? My breathing, it's becoming slow and my body is weak and full of pain. Is this my room? No, what I'm laying on is soft with some bumps that adjust to my body. It's obviously a bed but who's is it? What happened again? Oh, right the males were bullying me and a girl stepped in to help me then brought me to her home. Well, it's not like I have to go home anyways, my parents wouldn't care...they've only cared about my lost brother the movie. My eyes slowly open or, I feel them open to darkness. My eyes adjust and I start to see figures in the small room I came into earlier. What time is it? I look up and see the screen clock on the ceiling. 4:03 a.m when I was here it was 5:p.m, I must have gone off pretty badly. I feel whatever is on my head and it feels like a moist cloth. I gently take it off as it bothers me. I should leave, I don't want to be a bother any longer. I start to slowly sit up as shots of pain go through my body. Ah, fuck. I grimace as I fully sit up. I sigh and look around to see more of the room. I then look at the ground and see a figure under a blanket. Surprised, I jumped back far enough to hit the wall. I nervously try to get out of the bed and make it to the door. I try to make my steps quiet and slow so that I don't wake, whoever they had as visit. They however must be a light sleeper because they started to get up slowly. I got scared and looked for a place to hide but by then they were turned to me. I froze in my tracks and gulped as the little light shown on them. They're light blue eyes shone out and their messy black bangs stuck out from the bun that they had on. It's the female? Why is she here? I didn't think she was a stalker..."why are you up?" She asked sleepily as she started to get up slowly.

"I......I just woke up to leave..." I answered quietly.

She opened the curtain next to the window which made the moons light shine onto the room. She was wearing a large t-shirt with some short sweats. Her hair was in a messy bun and the bags in her eyes were darker than most others. "It's still dark out, and I don't trust you being out there alone." She said with a small yawn. She was right..but I don't want to be a burden to her or be taken care of.

"I can handle it." I state not too sure of it myself. She turns to me a but surprised and giggles softly.

"sorry but I guess you're staying here until the sun comes out because you aren't in good shape."

"I don't need you to watch over me." I said and grabbed my shoes.

"I know you don't. But if I have a chance to help you then I'll take it. Right now you need to rest and if you don't your state will get worst. So please let me help?"

What is wrong with this girl? Why is she so insistent on helping me? I can't escape this without her doing something to help. I don't want help! I've asked for it before and it was a mistake. I have my problems and I don't want her to carry them. "I'll stay here until 8:00. I'll leave quickly and I'll clean whatever mess I made", I respond while putting my shoes down. She giggled once more and nodded slightly. "If you say so.." She said exhaustively.She started to lay down once more onto a bundle of soft blankets. I sighed and started to lay down myself. This isn't how it goes in anime and this isn't how I want to go on.

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