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Unknown Man's Perspective
       I woke up to the sound of a suitcase being strolled and soon after there was the sound of a door unlocking. I then heard yelling and I started to get up.
Kaia's Perspective
        I quickly scurried towards the front door with Mr.No Name and my suitcase with me. Mr. No Name said I had to leave. I can't trust that man even if he was my new daddy. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. This is the third time that  Mr. No Name doesn't let me stay. I want to be adopted but I can't. When I reached the door Mr. No Name finally said something.
"You can stay." He said quietly .

I looked at him confused and surprised.
"Yes but only for awhile, you'll have to leave sooner or later" 
"But why?"
"I, I can't explain right now...but aslong as you leave one day you'll prevent a lot"

I smiled but was cut off when Clare came towards me angrily.
"What the hell are you doing?!" She yelled at me.
"I, I was just-"
"Shut up! I've heard of how many times you've run away you spoiled little brat!"
"Mr. , Mr. No Name-
"What your stupid bear?! He. can't. Talk.!!! Your'e a stupid little girl!"
"Mr. No Name is not stupid he's just looking out for me!"
"That stupid bear can't protect you! I'll tear that shit up!" Clare said as she took Mr. No Name out of my hands. I tried to get it back as she held it up higher than I could reach. "Please let go of him! He he's my best friend!" I said struggling to get him back while I started to cry again.

"Calm down girls or i'll take matters into my own hands."  Daddy said as Clare and I froze.

He shot Clare a menacing glare as I quickly grabbed Mr. No Name and hugged him tightly. Clare started crying and ran off into her room locking the door. Daddy looked at me and kneeled down.
"Now what is all this?" He asked with a confused look on his face.
"Mr. No Name says I shouldn't stay here...."
"Why is that?"
Unknown Man's Perspective
"He says that I'm not going to be happy here and that I'll be in danger soon."
This Bear is ruining my plans? but how? How can he know so before hand? I need to get rid of it as soon as I can.
"Well Honey I think that he is just being a little mean don't you think?"
"Maybe but he says he's looking out for me"
"But I'm your family now why don't you trust me?"
"Don't worry daddy I'll stay longer if you'd like me too"
" I want you to stay forever"
"I can't unless Mr. No Name wants me too"
"Don't you worry he definitely will now go and get all your things reorganized again we're going to eat breakfast now"  Kaia smiled and nodded as she ran back to her room. I sighed and walked over to Clare's room. "Open up immediately young lady or else" I said as she opened the door and walked out slowly. Her eyes were slightly red from her crying.
"You made a fatal mistake little girl "
"I'm sorry but I can't stand her she's a spoiled little girl that everyone wants to adopt..."
"Please explain what you mean by that"
"Well, when I barely arrived at the adoption place she was already there. A happy couple came and they wanted to adopt someone her age so she was adopted by them. But from what I've heard they weren't the richest of people. She came back the next day saying that it was the bear that convinced her to leave. They took her back but she kept running away. Until they gave up on her and left her back. Everyone thought she was crazy so no one went around her. The only thing she had was her bear. 2 years later a single mother adopted her and again she came back this time with a bruise on her face. She said her bear didn't want her to be with any of those people and that she'd only cause them trouble. She was given up on by the mother and you're the one thats just adopted her. This is her third home and she's stayed here for a day which is surprisingly her record" 
"Interesting...Well I guess that bear is a problem that we'll have to solve"
"I agree and if you rid her of that bear I will happily do as I was meant to do when I was brought here."
"Good aslong as you're by my side I'm sure this plan will go smoothly"
-Later that day-
Kaia's Perspective
         It was midday and I was really enjoying my time playing outside with daddy and Clare. Although Mr. No Name just wanted to watch and enjoy seeing me happy. It started to get late so we went inside to take my bath and go to bed. Clare was being kind to me and she started to take me a bath. I was happy that I was finally staying in a home with my own little family. My other families didn't like to do anything but teach me instead of letting me have fun.

       When I got out of the shower and changed into my pjs I looked for Mr. No Name but I couldn't find him. I searched everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. M-maybe I left him outside . I thought as I ran outside and looked for him. I walked back inside and rechecked again until I lost it and started crying. Clare and Daddy started to try and make me happy again but I couldn't be happy. I just lost my best friend. My first friend and family. I went to my room and held my pillow. I couldn't sleep at all. Mr. No Name always told me stories before I fell asleep. I cried all I could and when morning finally came I didn't eat breakfast and skipped lunch.  Daddy finally made me come out of my room to eat dinner because he had an announcement to make.
"Girls I know this is very sudden but I have signed you up to a school nearby and your first day is tomorrow you will have to fall asleep early so you can have breakfast and catch the bus tomorrow "

I looked at daddy and then at my food.
How will I go to school without Mr. No Name? I have never ever ever handled this much without his help.

Breaking my thought Clare looked at me and smiled.

"Don't worry sis you can handle a little bit of school until we find your bear right?"

I looked at her and smiled.

"Mhm!" I nodded and felt a little more secure now that I had my sister with me.
Clare's Perspective
God I hated this. I had to be nice to this little piece of crap. Although seeing her in pain is pretty nice and she doesn't have that bear anymore. Dad made me put it in a shredder and we're gonna make it seem like birds did that. Although I can't get it out of my head but I felt the bear move before I shredded it. It was probably my imagination. But then why would dad make me say specific words to it? Is he scared of the bear or what?

"Clare are you alright? you haven't touched your food" Dad said.

I shook off my thoughts and looked at him. "sorry I was just thinking" I answered and started to eat.
-A few days later-
Kaia's Perspective

      I started off school and it was really fun at first. A boy said I looked strange though and that girls should have long hair. After that everyone started calling me Kyle and they kept throwing things at me like basketballs or soccerballs. I really wish that I had Mr. No Name with me. Clare says I have to be strong though and I'm trying so hard. What would Mr. No Name say? Hmmm I guess he'd say to stay positive no matter how bad everything may seem. I have to try that no matter what.

     The next day while I was walking to school, Clare was really quiet. She was thinking a lot well, I think she is. I kept quiet though cuz she doesn't like it when I interrupt her when she's thinking.  We arrived at school without saying a word to each other even when she left me in my class. I was worried but I shaked myself up and took in some breathes and let them out. I finally sighed put on a smile thought positive things and went inside my classroom.

          I walked to my table feeling a little more confident  and sat in my table. A boy with blonde hair and hazel eyes looked at me and laughed. His name was Davey I looked at him and smiled. He looked at me confused and looked at his curly haired friend Steven. They both walked over to me and I just looked at them shyly.
"Hey there Kyle!" Davey said in a taunting tone while Steven sneered behind him.
"Sorry but I don't think theres a Kyle in this class are we getting a new student?"

"Your'e dumb! You know your names Kyle!"
"My name is said Kaia not Kyle. And you call me dumb" They rolled their eyes and left me alone. Class started and the day went on without anyone calling me Kyle. No one talked to me either. Oh well....


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