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-3 years later-
Kaia's Perspective

Daddy called me to his office today. He didn't say what he wanted to speak to me about. Did I do something to get in trouble? I've always tried to be a good person but maybe I haven't tried hard enough like Mr. No Name taught me.

I walked into daddy's office and sat down. Clare, like always, was standing next to him with a serious but calm look on her face. Dad had his hands infront of his mouth with his elbows on his desk. He seemed serious too and also a little happy.
"Hello sweetie" He said with his deep voice and odd cheerfulness sound.
"Hi daddy" I smiled and looked at him.
"Now, I know this conversation is going a bit fast but we're going to start talking about your future"
"What about my future?"
"Well to start off you seem to be taking interests in acting now are you?"
"Well um yeah but I'm still not sure of it yet.."
"Well it's time to finally decide because being the proud father that I am I have already gotten you your first acting job!"
"You did but I haven't even seen how good I am at acting yet!"
"I know I know but you have quite a lot of time for this job. You'll have a lot of time to work on your acting and character."
"Ah yes. The director well, he wants a specific personality for this character. They're going to shoot this whole thing without a script so it's just improvisation"
"Eh um whats the personality?"
"They want someone who is cunning. Someone who is strong and fierce they wouldn't care about what's in their way aslong as it's destroyed. Someone with a hint of phsycoticness and can easily interfere with the mind. They can play the mind like a kitten with a yarn ball and they can deceive anyone. They can be ruthless and careless and can bring gentle but striking fear into their opponents. They know nothing of caring for others and are strict, so basically the complete opposite of you."
"That sounds a little difficult... How much time do I have?"
"Plenty. Infact you have 6 years to perfect this character. Doesn't that sound exciting?"
"Well..yea but I don't know how to make them.."
"Splendid. I know a way on how you can."
"Tell me please?"
"Listen closely I'm sure this way will fit your big imagination. First you must come up with a design for this character. Make them look firm and frightening. But make it look like you so that you'll be able to change a few things about you and look exactly how you imagined them. Second of all, add details to the personality. Make them have a certain habit or make them have a unapproachable look. I will put you in acting classes for you too build up slowly. And the last step is the most important. Make them a part of you. You will know when this acting job is when I am not here. I will be elsewhere and you will only have your sister with you to guide you. That is all I have to say."

"Okay I'll start creating them now if you'd like me too. " I said as I stood up. Daddy nodded and looked at Clare while smiling. I smiled and walked out of the room. There was something weird going on and it made me a bit worried. Those specific details were what made me a bit more suspicous.

I walked towards my room and layed on my bed. I looked at the ceiling and sighed. This should be fun right? I mean my dad's going to be happy if I do this and so will Clare. That's all I want for them I don't care about anything else but their happiness.

I started to come up with ideas in my head. Should I grow out my curly hair and put on scary eyeliner? That'll look scary right? Sheesh I stink at this... Maybe I need to look at this from a different angle....
-Next day at school-

I was lost in thought while I walked through the halls. I bumped into a boy named Dave. I looked up at him as he looked at me angrily.
"Why don't you watch it you idiot!" He said looking directly at me.
"Oh sorry I was just thinking about things.."
"Shut it you lame excuse for a boy"

"Oh sorry I know I am but I don't want to be a good excuse cuz I still want to be a girl"

Dave rolled his eyes and walked away with his friends.

It's been awhile since I've been spoken to by anyone in school, actually, I haven't spoken to anyone since 2nd grade. Oh well..
-2 Years Later-

I've been taking the acting classes a lot more now. Dad says I still have a lot to learn. It's been 2 years and I still haven't come up with a design for the character. I've thought of plenty designs but they don't look menacing enough.

I threw all my papers in the air in distress and layed down. What do I do? I have to start adding details soon or I'll never get this part. A paper landed on my face and I held it up and looked at it. Look at a different angle!

It said with bold and scribble like fonts. I've written this so many times I was getting tired of looking at it. I threw the paper once again and stood up. I looked at the mirror and was grossed out by what I saw. My hair was messy and I had huge bags under my eyes. Ughhhhh I need to try harder! I started thinking since I was 11 and mow that I'm 13 I can't think of anything!

Hmmmm what if I combine my ideas..?? One of them was to wear black so maybe I could add that... And I also wanted to straighten my hair....Eyeliner would make me look more terrifying...
-The Next Day-
After 2 years I was coming up with something I finally had a spark of ideas. I ran through the halls at school without paying attention to the people calling me a boy. I went into the library and kept on researching characteristics. I looked at as many books as I could I researched famous villains and other things. I kept doing this every day on every minute that I had. I did this for about a month or 2.

I hardly slept, I was exhausted.

I was taking a nap when my father woke me up.
"Kaia are you alright?"

I looked at him sleepily and yawned. "I'm better than ever actually" I said sleepily with a small happy tone.
"You haven't slept well so I supposed you were sick however, what are you so happy about?"
"I finally made the design like you told me"

I said as I took out my sketch book.
-Father's Perspective-

She took out her sketch book and showed me a drawing of a man wearing a black dark hoodie with his bangs covering his right eye. He had on some black semi skinny jeans. He had an evil look in his eye and a sneer that sent a chill down my spine. That icy blue eye reminded me of something and it sent fear through my body.
"What do you think daddy?"
"oh well...yes yes he looks excactly how I imagined it..." I said as I walked out of her room.

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