Soulmates PT 2 (Hobi X His Soulmate)

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Hobi's POV:

I saw Y/N call me as I smiled. She left for Seoul with her soulmate San a few months back. I was happy that she was happy. She never had the life she deserved in Busan, and finally, after everything, she's living her happiest life with San and the rest of his members.

"Heyy Hobiii" - She said smiling
"Hey Y/N How are you" - I asked
"I'm great, how about you"
"I'm confused" - I let out sighing

I started thinking back to what has been happening to me these past few days. I felt more stressed and I felt like staying in my room all the time., I was always around books I even stopped smiling a lot. My mom even got worried at what was happening to me.

"Hobi?" - I heard Y/N say
"Oh yeah sorry, heh. I've been confused a lot these days. I don't even know why. But I'm always around books and stressed and all that. It's really just messing with my head." - I said sighing.

She gave me a worried look as I heard the door on the other side open.

"Baby?" - I recognized Sans voice in seconds as he came into view
"Sannie? Hey" - I say as I saw him sit beside y/n
"Heyy Hobii, How are you"
"*sigh* I'm fine i suppose, just confused" - I say

I saw him look at me as I saw a hint of worry.

"HOBI CAN YOU HELP ME CARRY THIS" - I heard my mom scream

"Sorry Y/N and Sannie, I gotta go. Take care you both, and Y/N call me soon don't leave me hanging I miss talking to you" - I saw smiling
"Bye Hobii, take care, and don't worry I'll call you often" - She said ending the call.

I walked downstairs to find out what my mom wanted, I stopped mid-way as I thought I heard sobbing. 

Y/N's POV:

"*sigh* I hope Hobi is ok, I'm worried for him. He seemed really confused and off" - You say to San
"Yeah he seems off, I've noticed. Oh and we're going to Busan for a Month for our Music Video and promotions, so you better get packing, and maybe you can surprise Hobi, and maybe give your dad a visit. I know you probably don't want to, but he is your father after all, and I'll be with you" - He said hugging me.

You jumped in joy as he let out a giggle.

"When are we leaving?" - You asked him
"We're leaving in two days so yeah, now c'mon we're going out for dinner with the rest of the members." - He said
"Yeah wait for me in the living room, I'll change and be out"

(A/N I'm changing the YOU to I so it's more of a POV thing..when I do an Author POV I'll use YOU for Y/N)

I watched San walk out as I jumped in joy. It's been around 8 months since I've seen Hobi and I missed him, and maybe I could help him find out about what's wrong in the month I'm there. I also thought back to how he used to comfort me. I also thought back to how my dad treated me. I didn't want to see him, but maybe he changed.

{~Time Skip 2 Days later~}

We got off the plane in Busan as fans crowded us. We got to our car as I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"It's been so long, Hobi's going to be excited" - I said looking at San as he smiled at me.
"I'm sure he is, and we can properly meet" - He said holding my hand

We dropped our stuff back at the hotel and got back. I saw the car enter my street as I found my favorite cafe.

"Sannie-ah can we stop here for a sec" - I asked him.

He stopped the car in the parking lot as I walked into the cafe. I smelled the familiar scent of Coffee as I walked to the counter.

"Y/N?? IS THAT YOU??" - I heard someone yell

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