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"HMMMMMM......................................." "Phil stop it's getting annoying" Vietnam asked, he had been trying for 2 hours to get phil to stop doing "HMMMMMM.........................", "Ok, if I buy you food will you please stop doing that ?" "It would be most appreciated young one" Phil replied "what are you supposed to be?, someone in a video game about to give me a task or something ?" "Yes I am, now go get me food" feeling defeated Vietnam went to the market for dinner and Phil was still going "HMMMMMM..........................".

meanwhile the 2 idiots went like

Mal is the one in the french horn 


indo is the one on the chair


*fast forward by Phil's HMMMM...........*

"I'm ba- what happened here ?"

Phil still going Hmmmmmmm...... but wearing a beard and a walking staff

Indo is on fire

and Mal is trying to look fabulous

and the rest of the Asean members doing really awkward things.

Thailand stumbled onto Vietnam drunk and said 

"respect the drip Karen"


"you know what I give up, bye~"

as he left with the food


Meanwhile with Anon

"Uh..................................................... wut ?"

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