Ah yes . . . Prince

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So um... it's canon to me that Indo is a prince and no one in Asean knows until one faithful night, After a robbery success (:


It was the night after the extremely complicated robbery plan was pulled of by the rice gang, once they reached back to the household everybody just surrounded them and started counting the money...

Ok I lied Sing and Brunei were the one's counting the money because everybody else was lazy af. While Singa and Brunei were counting the rice gang went to their respective bedrooms and started taking a shower and removing black paint from themselves and the black clothing they were wearing to normal sleeping clothes.

Once everybody was downstairs watching Singa and Brunei come up with the total Thai realized "Where's Indo ?" "Probably still taking the black paint from his wings, that probably takes a long time to do" Replied Singa quickly before returning to count the money.

"Hey do you guys know what will be fun !" Phil asked "Phil we just robbed a bank what can be more fun then that ?" "Well we can sneak up to Indo's room and snoop around, I mean that little guy is always hiding his stuff and letting no one clean his room so he must be hiding something am I right ?" ". . . well if you put it like that I guess he wouldn't mind us snooping around" "Maybe he'll have a golden crown or something" Malay said jokingly.

So since the Rice gang were already tired, Laos and Myanmar were the ones to sneak into the bedroom on the tallest floor and Oh boy was that a ride, by the time they got there they thought they were gonna get caught because of their panting.

once they reached the door and they slowly opened it to see a small light from the bathroom so they knew it was their cue to go in and find something do they quickly went in and started checking everywhere, and soon they found a wooden chest hiding in the corner like someone wanted to hide it, and by know they knew they hit the jackpot and started carrying and quietly as possible down the stairs and back to the living room.

As soon as they reached the bottom they started trying to pick the lock but the only person in the household who could do it was Indo, so they took a dramatic measure to open it... they just got a hammer from the garage and broke it open and what they found inside would shock them for the rest of their lives.

they found really old Indonesian royalty clothes and a beautiful golden crown much to Malays surprise and found really old photos of a family with 3 other kids and Indo, as soon as they realized they shouldn't have taken it Indo was near the stairs arms crossed and tapping his fingers before saying "So you found out huh ?".

and the rest of the night was Indo telling them of his heritage and how he was a Prince before this.

and lets just say ever since then they have been bugging Indo if he had any Palaces and he always ignores those questions until he got fed up and said he had like 4.

they all shut up afterwards. 

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