This is Halloween >:D

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Happy Halloween so have this special chapter


"So .... What are we dressing up this Halloween ?" Said Indo as he took a sip from a cup of water he was holding "what about witches ?" Suggested Mal "NOOOOOO" Groaned Phil from the Kitchen "WE DID THAT LAST YEAR" "Then what about out favorite Animals ?" Thailand saying as he joins in the conversation "And having to get items for said costumes so we don't have to buy one of those Animals onesies I'll Pass" Singa replied "The what do we wear ?" Laos asks as he starts making his way to the Tv remote "How about we just stay home and give out chocolate and watch scary movies" Asean Says as he entered the Living room with Cambodia and Phil beside him "All in Favor ?" Cambodia asked.

The majority of the group raised their hand so their plan for Halloween was to stay inside and watch movies and eat candy like a mini Halloween feast. And yes they started pranking random kids that rang their doorbell.


A/n: Sorry this is rushed I have lots of School work ;-;

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