part 3 mat

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I woke up at exactly 3 PM to the smoke entering my room. I, without showing any emotion, changed into an outfit. After changing, my eyes widened and I started panicking. What the fuck? Why is there smoke in my room? I tried to hit the smoke in a panic.

what i weareng

what i weareng

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(purple one)

I go outside and see that the kitchen is burning?! I scream.

Edd runs into the kitchen, fire extinguisher in hand. He extinguishes the fire with the first extinguisher. Then, another guy runs in, he pours a water bucket all over Edd. My eyes adjust to the brightness, I just notice Edd looks a little different.

what eeeedddddd look ls8ke

what eeeedddddd look ls8ke

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(credit to me)

The guy that just poured the water bucket on Edd had a square chin and dead eyes. He was admiring himself in the mirror.

"Oops, Egg-" He started.

"Edd." Edd corrected him.

"-I thought you were the fire."

I blankly stare at them, Edd blankly stares at the guy.


The guy turned to me and smiled.

"You must be the new roommate!" He said. "I'm Matt! And you are?"

"I'm Y/N L/N, a famous tiktoker, and you are an absolutely worthless human being, if you died no one would notice. I will dance on your grave, peasant." That should teach him. My expression changes from emotionless to happy, a bright smile on my face. "Nice to meet you!"

Edd and Matt seem confused, but Matt didn't seem to mind my long, smart speech, as he walked to me and reached for a handshake. I greatly accepted it.

The alcoholic from last night walked in, a confused look on his face too. He probably heard my introduction.

"Uhh, so.."

The awkward silence somehow became more awkward.

"What the fuck." Edd very uncharacteristically said.

A faint "language!" was heard from the distance. Huh, that was weird.

I smiled.

"Well now that we're together why don't I cook something for us? I bet the food you were making has been burnt into a crisp anyway!"

"I mean, yeah sure why not?" Edd said.

I turned to the kitchen and started making my favorite, flaming hot doritos.

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