Ponle un título a esta parte de tu historia 6 drugs

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Tuf and Edd cried while Matt ran to the bathroom. Tom and I stood there while shoving alchol down our throats. A man stood there in the corner, he stared at me with eyes that said luggag. The flashing lights in the bar made me want to vomit, so I did. I threw up all over Tom and he threw up on me back, so I threw up on him back so he threw up on me back, so I

Spongebob simply smiled as he handed some kind of weird looking candy to the kids chained up to a chain. They smiled back with bloodshot eyes. I walked over to them with my clown costume on. 

"Hey kids! Can I have some of that candy—" I asked before getting shot by Spongebob, who I now realized looked like a 40 year old man with cheetos taped to his body, who  ran away terrified.  'Dammit I'm bad with sponges.' I cried to the symphony playing in the background. A freedys night at five's fansong, I recognized.

I broke into a dance as everyone break danced around me. They made fart noises with their butts.

Edd and Tord started singing together and dancing, and then everyone started clapping. "Why are you guys singing together?" I asked confused. Tom shook violently before exploding. I looked at Matt, who has just gotten out of the bathroom, concerned. "Eh, he always does this. He'll come back after a few days." Matt started jumping and danced to Edd and Tord's song like everyone.

Today is a day.

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