the gun............

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After a long day of partying, we returned to our empty, ugly home. There were cans littered all over the lawn and cat shit too. Tom walked in and collapsed on the musty floor. Matt walked over him  and sat down in the crusty couch. Edd and Toed walked in and I walked after them. They finally stopped crying ugh omg. Their eyes were red from crying

 Their eyes were red from crying

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(Eyesb that are the crting)

"Wow I'm tired" Edd yawned and he fatred. Matt pulled out a mirror from under the couch and started at himself. 

"Wow I'm hot"

A laugh track played out of nowhere, I looked at where the TV was supposed to be but.. there were people laughing and clapping instead..

I rubbed my eyes in confusion, maybe I should go to sleep. I am pretty tired after all. I walked to my room and passed out as soon as I hit my hard bed.

I woke up in a cold sweat, it was 4 am and I heard noises. I pulled out the chainsaw from under my pillow (long sstory, i'm uirky UwU) and headed out. I tiptoed out of my room and saw...

Toes with oter tow men???

"wall is gon on="

They loooked at me startled and shot me with a sniper

I bled out and passed out................

ton be continuea

gun - eddsworld x reader uwu"Where stories live. Discover now